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I am going to take the lack of requests for a pairing as one of two things: either not a lot of people read this, or nobody cares. I have a request for Ruby, so if I don't get feedback, I'll just do her. And one IMPORTANT detail: I am not putting the RWBY storyline into this, so no one dies.

You entered the alleyway you stayed in to find an old man wearing green clothes, with gray hair, and brown eyes holding a cane.

"Hello, Y/n." He said with a smirk. You stood there, a blank look on your face. Then you replied, in your normal monotone voice.

"Hello. Who are you?" The man smiled.

"I am professor Ozpin, of beacon academy."

"Never heard of it."

"Of course you wouldn't, knowing where you came from." You were surprised, to say the least, before he spoke again.

"You know, it's not so hard to tell when a human isn't human." You kept a blank face on, as that and a smirk were the only things you could manage.

"Prove it." He held up a metal object.

"What is this called?" You looked at it. You've seen it before, as adults often had them out while children played with you. What did they call it...

"That is a Scroll." He then took it, and did something with it. Then he held it out again.

"What about this?" Looking, you answered.

"That is a scro-"

"Wrong. Look closer." You did, and a creature came into view. It looked similar to your wolf suit, but bulkier and mostly black, with a white face with markings on it, and glowing red eyes. You looked closer, before giving in to confusion.

"I don't know." Ozpin laughed.

"I thought so. That is a creature of Grimm, a Beowulf, to be exact. But all that aside, I have a deal to make with you. You come with me, I will teach you how to survive in this, world, and let you join my academy." You stayed silent, waiting, until you spoke.

"What's the catch?"

"No catch. You get a warm bed, your own room, warm meals, a good life."

"What if I say no?"

"Then I would have to return you to your pizza restaurant. They have been looking for you... Alaska?" You froze in place. You felt shuffling in your bag. Bonnet was activated, and listening to your conversation. You held out your hand.

"I'll do it." He took your hand and shook it.

"Very well, grab your things, we're going to leave."

~~**Time Skip**~~

It had been a couple of months, about 2, and you were training with androids. The first couple of days had been spent with Ozpin teaching you about basic life on Remnant. Grimm, dust, huntsmen/huntresses, weapons, scrolls, and other things. The next days were simple trying to get you to fit in. How to show emotion in your voice and face, teaching proper etiquette, etc. Now, you were trying out different weapons. You had spent tireless weeks training, trying the weapon you had grown partial to: a dark metal staff with a sharp blade on each end that could flip out at the push of a button. Another button enabled the staff to collapse into a light saber sized cylinder, and it had a dust cartridge in the middle. Ozpin, and a blonde haired woman called Glynda Goodwitch, learned about Bonnet's existence after she had decided that she didn't want to be a secret to the headmaster, much to your dismay. Ozpin had given you multiple pieces of dust for your staff, as well as a handgun for range for your training. While away, you also adopted a new outfit: basic (whatever color) pants, shirt, combat boots, and a cloak. And right now, you were training.

You gripped your staff in both ends, watching as four androids slowly approached you. One holding a sword charged at you. You immediately swung your staff upwards, hitting it where the chin would be. Then you swung downward, hitting it on its way down. But it got back up and charged at you. You backed away, thrusting one of the blades on the staff forward to drive the android back. Then you inserted a piece of dust into your staff, then you began your favorite move. One end of the staff contained a FlameThrower like mechanism, that would use whatever dust was in the staff, like fire or water(lightning made the staff work like a tesla), but now, it was earth. Switching ends on the staff, you watched as dust powder flew out of your staff and onto the ground, growing rock. Soon, there was a giant wall of rock, which the android ran into. You then dashed around the rock and hit the robot in the midsection, causing it to fall apart. Another robot, this one with a rifle, took position. Seeing this, you drew your handgun and shot in its direction. Seeing it falter, you ran forward while loading purple dust into your staff. Not using the FlameThrower mechanism, you swiped right with all of your force, which was a lot, considering that you were a robot yourself. The android flew at a wall, leaving a dent in it, before falling on the ground. With barely time to move, you turned around and parried a blow from one android's sword. You then swung at its side with blinding speed, only to get parried. You threw a piece of fire dust at it, before backing away and shooting at it, only to miss. You growled and shot again, watching as the robot blew up with the dust. Looking around for the last android, you found nothing, until you turned around to find it, ready to swing its mace at you. This one managed to get a hit on you. It didn't hurt, but it did take away some of your aura. Looking at the aura indicator, you found your aura slowly draining. It was a byproduct of using your semblance. It would constantly drain, meaning you had to revert to your original golden suit every once in a while. Snapping out of your thoughts, you swung at the android, only to get parried, and hit again. You flew backwards, and managed to catch yourself. You loaded purple dust into your staff again, and charged at the robot, hitting the mace out of it's hands and jabbed the robots midsection, making it fly backwards.

You sighed in relief as you made your staff collapse to hear applause. Turning, you saw Ozpin.

"Well done Y/n, I believe you are now ready to go to beacon."

~~**2 Days Later**~~

You were now on an airship, with what little possessions you had: Some spare clothes, your staff and handgun, some dust, a little lien, Bonnet, and a new scroll. You were wondering why Ozpin even wanted you here in the first place. He literally turned up, forced you into the school, and was now waiting for you. You snapped back into reality when the ship landed. You thanked the pilot for the ride and stepped off of the bullhead, grabbing your suitcase and making your way to the entrance of the school. You made it without incident, and found your way into Ozpin's office. Upon walking in, you were greeted with Ozpin and Professor Goodwitch.

"Glad you could make it, Y/n." You responded with your normal monotone voice.

"Didn't really have a choice now, did I?" Ozpin chuckled.

"No you didn't. Glynda will show you to your dorm. We are in the middle of a break, so you can have some time to relax. Tomorrow, you will be going through the same initiation as my other students have. So I guess I will see you tomorrow."

Hallo peoples! I am back, typing, and tired. Have a great day! Please leave suggestions for the story! Go ahead and give me a pairing! So Baii!


~1333 Words

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