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Alrighty! This is out late, the reason why will be explained at the end of the chapter, but enjoy the read!

   You made your way out of the cafeteria, looking around. The crowd had mostly faded, meaning you could make your way to your dorm without getting crushed by random strangers. As you started to walk, you breathed deeply in copy of a yawn. One of the stranger things that you had noticed, was the lack of feeling you had. In a more specific term, you had seen and heard people 'confess feelings' to each other. A flutter in the chest, or an instinctive smile. You felt none of that. You didn't feel happy, sad, loving, none of it. All you knew was.... rage, anger, bloodlust. You felt your head twitch as you clutches your chest. It didn't hurt, no. It was... like you were running out of fuel. You hadn't eaten any food at lunch, but that wasn't it..... you looked at your hands, watching as they started to turn gray. You started to run, feeling your footsteps grow louder and clunkier. Just as you felt it would be too late, you saw your dorm room door. Slamming it open, you flung yourself inside and slammed the door shut, collapsing onto the ground in your original form, the spring lock suit.

"Aura's run out again?" You looked up to see Bonnet on your desk.

"Ÿęäh, høw łø-" you heard a fizzle before smoke burst out of your neck.

"And now your voice box is busted. I'll call Ozpin." Bonnet spoke in her usual squeaky tone. You nodded and grabbed your scroll, tossing it up to the desk Bonnet stood on. You stood up as Bonnet messaged Ozpin. In a few moments, you heard footsteps accompanied by the tapping of a cane before the door opened, revealing Ozpin.

"Hello, Y/n. Fancy seeing you in such a... ragged condition." You rolled your eyes.

"What's the issue?" Ozpin asked. Bonnet spoke up.

"Voice box is broken." Ozpin looked you over.

"No wonder. Tell you what, I'll take you out, and get some maintenance done on all your bodies. You could obviously use that, and it seems you've gotten the lay of the land down." You nodded in agreement. Ozpin motioned for you to follow him. Peeking out of the dorm, you looked both ways.

"It's the middle of class, I doubt any students will be out and about." Ozpin said, walking out. You followed him, hearing your clunky footsteps echo in the empty halls. Ozpin soon brought you to a familiar elevator. Stepping inside, You looked at all the buttons, as Ozpin pressed the top one. Feeling the elevator rise, you turned your attention to Ozpin.

"You must be wondering why we're on our way to my office instead of to a mechanic?" You shook your head.

"No? I'll explain anyway. I've hired some people to come over and find tune you, as well as answer any questions you've had so far." You nodded and turned your attention to the door, which opened to reveal the office, which had a few people standing around, all of whom looked over at you upon the elevator's ding. You stayed still, appearing deactivated.

"Hey Oz, with the artifact?" A black haired male spoke in a somewhat raspy tone, his red eyes scanning you. You felt old gears turn as the facial scan system from your Toy Alaska model scanned his facial features, matching a few faces from the past. Age, however, had affected both of you, making him ultimately unrecognizable to you.

"Now now, Qrow, I have good reason for it. This is, as you may know, Alaska, from the very first Freddy Fazbears Pizza." Ozpin spoke in a formal manner.

"I gathered that. But why did you get a robot? Ironwood has more than enough of those." One of the men looked over, shooting a glare at Qrow.

"I assume this is the one you... 'invited." He spoke in another formal tone.

"Yes, do you have the mechanics?" Ozpin asked. Three men stepped forward.

"These are trusted men who have worked on other projects, they'll keep a few secrets." Ozpin nodded and prodded you. You stepped forward on instinct.

"Is that thing activated?" One of the men asked. Ozpin nodded.

"And he can hear everything you say and see everything you do. Is that a problem?" The man shook his head.

"Nope. We'll get started right away." You were dragged across the room to an open area where a tarp was laid out. They started by removing your arms and legs, each of which had some damage done to it. Each of the three mechanics took to work, one working on taking apart and fixing up your arms, another on the legs, and one working on your torso. You heard nothing but small clinching and the occasional muttered curse as you felt your aura slowly returning, as the mechanics slowly put you back together. After about a half hour, the mechanics backed up.

"I think we're done with you." The one who had worked on your torso said. You put your arms beneath you and pushed up, standing. Looking down, you saw that your endoskeleton was in near perfect condition, somehow retaining its withered look die to discoloration. Your fur suit, on the other hand, was the exact same. Ozpin and Ironwood looked over at you. Qrow has left out of impatience.

"He looks almost the exact same." Ironwood said, irritation audible in his voice.

"That's alright, Ironwood, we only needed some fixing up done so he doesn't fall apart. This is all we really need done, unless you really want to see him in his full glory." Ozpin said. Ironwood sighed and shook his head.

"Fine, go ahead and tune him up. Don't fix him completely, that'll be expensive, just tune him up so he doesn't break." He said to the mechanics, who nodded and got to work.

   A few hours later, you stood in your human form, looking at Ozpin as Ironwood and his mechanics left. Your shapeshifting came as a shock to the group, but they got over it.

"Well, Y/n, how do you feel?" You looked at him.

"The exact same as I did before."

"Huh. Well, you've been tuned up, now for any last questions?" You nodded,

"I'm only here for one purpose, which I will not share. I plan to leave afterwards. If anyone gets in my way, intentionally, what can I do to them?" Ozpin thought this over.

"I can't let you kill anyone, of course, but at the very most, you may battle them. No killing or seriously injuring." You nodded and stood.

"Thank you professor. I'll take my leave now." Ozpin nodded as you entered the elevator and pressed a button, going down to your dorm. You walked back to your dorm and sat in front of your computer.

"Got fixed up now, I see." A familiar squeaky voice piped up.

"You don't say?" You typed in some stuff and continued your research.

"Geez, no need to be aggressive." Bonnet responded, dragging herself to you.

"Yeah, well I'm just going to continue my research for the night. You go ahead and.... do whatever it is you do. You heard shuffling as Bonnet dragged herself away.

"Good luck, Y/n." Bonnet whispered. You did nothing and continued tapping away.

Hello again! I have a special thing to say. I have received a request for Neon, making her the final decision. If nobody can manage to get 4 or more people set on anyone else in the pairing, then it will be Neon Katt Who you will be paired with. Now, I won't be updating often because I'm in the middle of moving, and I'm going over all the stories that I have planned, and how they will go. Thanks for reading and have a nice day. So Baii!


-1327 Words

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