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"And so, due to your success in retrieving the relic, Y/n L/n, you are now officially a student here at beacon. Please enjoy your stay."

  Ozpin was getting some ceremonial thing done while you stood, still as a statue, facing Ozpin first, then the majority of the other first years. You watched as they cheered for your amazing performance in the initiation. You bowed and turned towards Ozpin again.

"When do I start my classes, Headmaster?" You asked.

"You start tomorrow. For today, have some food, explore, get the lay of the land." Ozpin responded, a hint of warning in his voice.

You nodded and exited the stage, as You suddenly got swarmed by students who wanted to meet the 'new guy.'

"Hello!" One student shouted

"Where did you lear-"

"How did you d-"

"You did an awesome job during the initiation!" Voices were overlapping, blending into one, before Ozpin tapped his microphone.

"Now now students, I'm sure you all want to meet him, but give him some space."

You silently thanked Ozpin as you made your way through the room to the exit as students left for classes, and Ozpin left to do whatever he did in his free time.

Team RWBY watched as you left the room.

"Well, there goes our chance to greet him." Ruby said, bummed out.

"Hey, cheer up sis. We'll greet him at his dorm sometime." Yang said, grabbing her books and beginning to walk to her next class, which was Oobleck.

"Yeah, but we've already met him, and he's new. We should show him around." Ruby argued.

"Look Ruby, you have a good point and all, but look at him. We met him one time, and he was busy." Weiss responded, speaking to Ruby like one might talk to a child who wanted a lollipop.

"But he wasn't busy! He actually played Remnant with us!" Ruby whined. Weiss shook her head as Blake butted in.

"Well, as much as you want to show him around, we have to get to class, like, right now." Blake said, concerned.

"Precisely, you should get to class, lest you risk another tardy." Ozpin spoke, behind the group. Ruby flinches and turned around.

"Um... Yes, Sir!" Ruby started to walk before Ozpin spoke up again.

"You know, Y/n does like to be alone. Would be a shame if I were rude and revealed that his room number was 181. That would be so rude of me. Well, I have paperwork to attend to, have a nice day, team RWBY." Ozpin walked off casually, as if nothing happened. Ruby wasted no time in running off to Oobleck's classroom.

"Sis! Wait up!" Yang yelled and sprinted after her, soon followed by the other two members of team RWBY.

You entered your dorm room to see Bonnet, staring at you.

"So, Alaska?" You sighed.

"What is it?"

"Your scroll died." Bonnet replied bluntly. You chuckled and plugged it into the wall.

"Not in a bit." Bonnet said nothing as you flopped onto one of two beds. You had no idea why there were two beds in your room, as you were only one person, but you weren't gonna question it. But, you honestly didn't know how you managed to adapt to-

"Alaska?" Bonnet's voice interrupted your thoughts.


"What's changes with you this time, with the new body?" You thought over it. There was a strange side effect of your semblance. Whenever you got a new body, it left some.... personality traits and physical traits on your other forms. So far, the most significant changes you noticed with your new form was a general change in what would normally be blood. You stared at your arm, which had black veins running through it.

Left Behind (Fnaf/Rwby x male reader)Where stories live. Discover now