II - Denial

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"Denying what you feel will not make it go away, it ensures that it never goes away."


🌟 Aphmau: 24

Garroth: 20

Route: "A"


Perhaps, I should head over to Aphmau's place. She is my best friend, after all. Seems logical to me.

I began my walk to her home, shoving my hands in the pockets of my hoodie. The sun was blazing irritating what little was exposed of my skin. I suppose that is the side effect, of not leaving your home for so long. Irene, the suffering is horrible.

After what seemed like an eternity later, I arrived at a decently-sized red house. I fixed my attire and hair, attempting to make myself look a bit more presentable. I didn't exactly have a mirror, so I could check myself over. Then again, why would I want one? I'm not exactly too fond of mirrors, ever since the enounter. I may have removed all of those damned things, as soon as I was allowed access back into my home.

I walked up the staircase, letting out sharp breaths. My hand shook, when I attempted to place just a singular knock upon the door. Not only haven't I been outside in what feels like forever, I haven't had much social interactions. I keep off of social media, keeping away from the mostly fake messages of remorse. And, nobody has really called me, either. But, why would they?

Hell, the last time I made contact with a real person, was at Travis' funeral. Shit, it's been too damn long. I wonder how much they've changed in this span of three months. Perhaps I should've called them ahead of time, let Aphmau know that I'm coming over. That would've been the smart thing to do, wouldn't it? Well, too late now. I'm already outside of her front door.

Before I could land a knock on the door, it swung open. A man, stood on the other side, towering above me. He stared down at me, a shocked expression plastering his face. Three months later, and this is the first individual I have to socialize with...

-Aaron Lycan-
Status: Alive
Age: 29
Hair Colour: Pitch Black
Eye Colour: Dark Gray
Relationship: Best Friend's Boyfriend/Enemy
Thoughts: "He may be my "enemy", but I have to tolerate him. He makes my best friend smile, and that's what matters..."


"Oh my Irene, Zane..," Aaron stared down at me, with wide, gray coloured eyes. I shifted my gaze towards the ground, biting my lip underneath my mask. "It's been quite a while..."

"It...has...hasn't it, Aaron?" I had to clear my throat a few times. I haven't talked all too much. I almost forgot what my voice sounded like. Pitiful... "You've, uh, grown..."

"Heh..," Aaron scratched the back of his head. He was obviously feeling as awkward as I was in this moment. "Well, I was just headed off to work, so..."

"Aaron!" A feminine voice chimed from inside the home. I recognized her voice instantly. "Is someone there~?"

"Uh..," Aaron awkwardly nodded, biting down a little upon his face. "Yeah, babe...someone's here."

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