9.F The Intention

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Alex begins to brief us on our mission to take down our number one target, Henry. 

"Is everyone in accordance with our mission?" 

We all salute her and nod our heads. 

"Then you all know that if it comes down to it, we must kill Henry at any cost. If he pulls out a knife or a gun, we must kill him. That means that there will be blood on our hands. If anyone wants to ditch on the mission, there will be no judgment upon them." 

There is silence amongst us. 

"It's official then. We all agree with the mission and the risks of it. Now, we begin to plot."

 We all sit down on the couches as Alex begins shooting ideas at us.

 "Maybe we can lure him out of the house, jump him outside, and stab him in the back?"

 Kevin shakes his head, "No, that's too sloppy, and he can fight back. No, we have to be sneaky about it and shoot him from a distance. My dad used to take me hunting growing up. He would give me his rifle and I would shoot boars with it. I'm pretty decent with a rifle. I'm sure you could get a rifle with your parent's money and we could use it to off him, Alex." 

"Nah," says Sam, "that'll link up with her parent's cards and the police will file her parents as suspects. That could get them some serious jail time. I say we spike his drink with some poison and make it look like a suicide. That's the only way we can do it without raising suspicion." 

They think about this as they look up at the ceiling and fantasize about the unraveling of Henry's life.

 Come on, there has to be something we can do to kill him. 

Think, Max, think! 

"Well," everyone looks at me, "there is this shed in the backyard. He's been hanging out a lot in there recently. I was thinking that maybe we could lock him in and burn him in there. Maybe say it was an accident on his part or something. The door has a deadbolt from the outside, so maybe he can be locked in there."

Alex thinks about this for a moment. "Well, I don't agree with the burning part, but I am intrigued by the shed concept. Let's see if I can pull up a live satellite of it."

 Igor walks up to Alex and sits down in front of her. His head splits in half and reveals a small projector that emits a soft light. A picture of a three dimensional earth appears and the image zooms in until it reaches our neighborhood. 

"Holy shit! No way, Alex! How much does that thing cost?" 

Kevin looks like a child in a candy store as he looks at the sheer power of technology. 

"About two hundred thousand dollars. Now shush, let's see what's up." 

The image pans to my house, then to my back yard where we can see the shed in high quality. 

"This is real time, right?" 

"That's right, Sam. Only the best for the team. It seems like there are two keypad mechanisms on the door. I think there's also a deadbolt like Max said. How are we gonna get inside?" 

We think about it for a bit. 

"Maybe Igor can go over there and saw the locks off!" 

Everyone looks at Sam and shakes their head. 

"Maybe Igor can go over there, hide, and wait until Henry walks out of the shed and enter the code when he returns." 

We look at Kevin and smile. 

"You know, Kevin, that just gave me a great idea. Igor is basically a walking super computer. I'm sure he can hack into the keypads and retrieve the pass codes. Max, are there any ports in the locks that can be accessed by a wire?"

 Fuck, I knew I should've looked at the keypads more carefully. 

"I'm not sure, but I heard the sounds the buttons make whenever Henry entered the codes. It went like beep beep me me dun or something like that. I'm sorry; I forget."

"That's okay. We can just send Igor over there right now to hack the keypads and get the codes. Meanwhile, we'll be preparing for the assault. I'm pretty sure that we can't do it today, but if he goes into the shed early in the morning, we can get the jump on him." 

Sam squints her eyes, "Hold up, what are we even gonna do in the shed when we get in there? Plus, who is gonna go in there when we break in the shed?" 

This raises serious questions that we do not have answers to yet. 

"I think we'll maybe explore the inside of the shed and try to find any material that'll put him in prison. I know that we want to kill him, but it seems that we can't do that without linking ourselves to the crime. However, if we get caught in there, one of us is going to be forced to kill him. Who ever that may be, they must be perfectly fine with the idea of killing him. They can't flake out at the last minute."

We all stay silent as the sentence leaves Alex's mouth. 

One of us is going to do the deed alone.

 We thought we would do it as a team, that we would pull the trigger as one body, but that has all changed. 

"I'll do it." 

Everyone looks at me like I'm insane for even suggesting the idea to them. 

"It's my burden, and I am the one who is dragging you all into this. For those reasons, I should be the one who deals with him." 

The teams stops breathing for a bit until Kevin simply says, "If you insist that you do it, then who am I to be in your way?"

Everyone agrees that it shall be me who ends his life.

I can only hope that I can end this eternal torment. 

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