Chapter 1

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"He's refuse immortality and, Godhood?" Spoke a womanly voice.

"It is his choice, Hera!" Poseidon boomed "We will not force him to become a God, he has said no!"

"It is only his opinion..." Athena muttered "It wouldn't really matter, since in the end we'd be the ones making it come true or not..."

"What are you people thinking?!?!" This time it was Zeus

Yes, Zeus.

"Even though I hated how he rejected immortality, it is still his decision!" He boomed making Olympus shake

"But who could refuse such an offer!" It was Aphrodite "We could just elaborately set it up, telling him we were forcing him to become a God would take a toll on him."

"Yes...." Athena pondered "We could send someone to cause an accident and then, someone to pick him up bring him to, Apollo heal him and make him into a God."

Zeus felt compelled to agree and so he did, only Poseidon held his ground.

"He is my son!" He boomed once more "He has done great things to save all of us Olympians, twice!" He hissed "Ares you hate, Percy!"

"But that would mean I'd be able to fight him forever!" He replied.

"Artemis and Apollo! You both owe him for saving your lives, especially you Artemis!" He looked at them.

"Perhaps... an exception..?" Artemis muttered.

"And you two, Hermes and Hades." Poseidon growled "Percy's favorite uncles, what would he think when your apart of this?! You both would regret it."

"Poseidon...." Hermes spoke "I already lost, Luke. I can't.... lose Percy..."

Poseidon looked abashed. He turned to the only woman he thought who might be reasonable, Hestia.

"Perhaps it'd be a great idea, Poseidon." She spoke

It was enough for him.

"I'm done, this is all on your hands." He spoke "You will all be at fault for what will happen to Percy!"

He stormed out of Olympus, and made his way to his underwater palace to seek help.


"Triton! Triton!" Poseidon called for his son.

"Yes, dad?" Triton swam his direction.

"Look I know you hate your, bro-"

"If this is about, Percy, I can't help." He spoke calmly "The Gods, figured you might try to convince me to save Percy."

He looked disgustingly at his own son.


He swam upstream, headed for Percy's apartment building.


He barged through their apartment door, looking down, he met with Sally.

"Poseidon! Have you come for...?" What did she mean.

"Where's Percy?" He asked

"Out with, Paul." She spoke softly "To buy his, birthday gift."

Poseidon was shocked, today was Percy's birthday also the day they might kidnap him and turn him into a God.

He explained everything to, Sally. She nodded and understood, calling Paul telling him to quickly come home.

Minutes later they arrived.

Percy was shocked by the arrival of his dad, Poseidon.

"Dad." He spoke.

"No time to talk, Percy." He told him. "I'll give you a birthday present as soon as I find a safe place for you to stay, Sally." He nodded and she shed a tear.

They left.

"Dad, where are you taking me?" Percy had asked.

"Somewhere safe, from the Gods." He slowly explained on what the Gods had planned.

"I see." Percy's face saddened.

He led him into his palace, Triton was nowhere to be found.

"Stay here, don't let anyone in, even the Gods." Poseidon had warned

He left. Percy stood there contemplating, and before he knew it, Hermes was there sitting beside him

"Hermes..." he spoke softly "How did you find me?"

"As long as someone has wanted to sent a message to someone, I can find them easily." He told him "And I have a message to you from me."

Handing him the letter, Percy read those two clear words

I'm sorry.

And he fainted

Percy Jackson: Soulless Where stories live. Discover now