Chapter 6

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Percy ran, ran as fast as he could away from, Nico. He had been scavenging for stuff in his bag and found a picture of, Thalia. As soon as Nico found out....

Well I can't say hell broke loose, more like Orion's underpants became smellier

"Perseus Achilles Jackson!" Nico shouted "Give that back!"

"Wait till' the Gods hear about this!" He had replied "Lady Artemis will be fuming!"

Percy laughed along with Nico as he kept chasing him. The Gods may have done something to him that ruined him, but they never stopped visiting.

Especially Hermes, and Apollo. Hades from time to time. Then Nico, came along.

"What is going on here?!" A voice boomed.

Percy and Nico halted in their tracks to find the Gods staring at them.

"Percy's snooping!" Complained Nico "Should've been made God of Snooping..."

"Lady Artemis, Nico has a picture of Thalia!!" For the first time he had acted like a child.

The Gods didn't expect this to happen over the time span, but they were happy that Percy was smiling for once.

"Percy!!" Nico growled

Percy couldn't help himself, but fall on the ground laughing. Tears falling as he laughed.

"That's enough you two.." it was Hades "Nico you will explain to me what this is all about, Percy today starts the schedules of who will accompany you for each day, its a Friday so expect the Minor Gods and Goddesses to visit. Only some though not all."

Percy nodded as, Nico took back the painting and shadow traveled upstairs.

"Nico! Don't act like, Rapunzel now!!!" He had called out

"I swear on Orion's Smelly Underpants!" Nico growled from above "I will get you, Jackson!"

Percy laughed and took the stairs heading back up.


"He has seem to have warmed up to the fact that he's a God now." Spoke Hera

"All thanks to me!" Hades boasted.

"Doesn't mean that your, son is with him, he instantly became happy about it." Spoke Apollo "And what was that about using Orion's Underpants as a curse word."

"Heard it from me when I was complaining about you calling me Lord of Orion's Underpants.."

Apollo had chuckled along with Hermes while Artemis shivered.

"He had a picture of.... Thalia...?" Artemis asked "Nico, I mean."

"I didn't even know." Hades replied "I'll ask him about it later when Percy's left with the Minor Gods."

They all nodded


Percy was waiting in his room, Nico had left headed to the Underworld to speak with his father about the.... picture incident.

Percy still chuckled at that thought.

"Seems someone is happy." That aroma again.

He looked up to see, Eris and a couple of other Gods, He guessed they were the Minor Gods

"This is Morpheus, God of Dreams,and thats Nemesis, Goddess of Revenge." She explained "There were a couple of other Gods wanting to spend some time, but we decided they'd come tomorrow."

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