Chapter 4

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Hades was shocked to see the state Percy was in... well it wasn't that bad, he was shirtless and almost had his jeans stripped.

He watched calmly as, Percy slept. Everything was a mess, as if he threw a solo party all by himself.

Percy stretched his arms and legs and casually sat up beside Hades.

"Hades..." he acknowledged

Hades nodded and stared deep into his sea-green eyes.

"We forgot to tell you." He spoke "You're the God of Discord and Peace."

Two complete polar opposites. He looked back at Hades.

"What did you want?" He asked "Sorry, if the place was a mess. Decided to, just turn it upside down whilst checking stuff out."

Hades nodded, clearly unbeknownst to him that Eris had visited and that they had what Percy called, fun.

"Why shirtless though?" Hades had asked "And the almost stripped jeans."

Percy thought of an excuse... Even though Hades would figure it out sooner or later.

"Got really hot, like really hot." He replied calmly.

Hades nodded and stood up.

"Brought someone to accompany you." Hades spoke and pointed at his door.

Percy grinned, the sight of Nico was pleasing to him.

"Percy..." Nico smiled and embraced him "Put some clothes one!"

For the first time, Hades thought, Percy had smiled and laughed

He quietly left the boys to be alone.


"You never explored the place?" Asked Nico

Percy nodded

"Only found the bathroom and a pool." He answered "Clearly remembered an Arcade room."

"Seriously?!" Nico looked shocked "Your decked out, dude"

"There's a kitchen too, I might ask Athena on what else was there." He looked at Nico

He knew his stay wasn't permanent.

"My dad may not have told you, but...." Nico eyes moved to the left "I'll be staying here since, Demeter had to take my bedroom."

Percy tackled onto the ground.

"You din't tell me Death Breath." He laughed with Nico "Thought you'd leave later."

"Mrs. O'Leary's down stairs by the field." Percy's eyes widened as he rush down the millennia of steps.

And it sure was, as soon as he arrived at the bottom floor he instantly was tackled by his favorite hellhound.

"Thought, you'd want to see her." Said Nico "And for her to stay."

Percy grinned, and went exploring with his best friend and favorite hellhound.


"First time I'd seen him laugh, ever since he became a God...." Hades muttered

"What was that, Hades?" Asked Zeus.

Realizing his mistake he quickly covered up and,

Percy Jackson: Soulless Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant