Chapter 2

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Percy squirmed in pain as they casted the spell, Apollo looked resentful. He wanted to stop, but he couldn't

The spell had finished, Percy hadn't move. A note fell from his pocket....

Apollo read it out loud to the Gods

My Birthday Wishlist

•A Ship in a Bottle decoration.
•A seashell necklace

The next one was heart-breaking

•A ring for proposing to Annabeth.

The Olympians shed a tear. Athena almost regretted her decision. Apollo looked sullen as he returned to his patient.

Percy moved, it wasn't much but he did. A twitch of a muscle.

"It hurts" Percy spoke. "Why?"

His eyes didn't open, leaving Apollo to cry. Tears fell slowly from his eyes.

Percy twisted

"Annabeth." He murmured "I'll buy that ring, I already bought a house in New Rome."

Apollo couldn't handle it, one minute he was crying by Percy's side the next minute he was kneeling in Olympus' marble floor.

"He..." tears kept falling "Bought a house, in New Rome. Just for, Annabeth and him to live when they get married."

His tears were replaced with hate.

"I hope you all understand." He glared at all of them "You took something precious away from him."

He looked at Hermes

"Especially you." He hissed at him. Hermes flinched

"Didn't you do the same, Apollo?" Hades remarked

Wiping his tears he glared at him.

"You don't understand, as I stood there looking at him." He smiled darkly "He cried, on why there was pain. He cried, telling Annabeth to wait for him, that he'd bring ring."

They were all shocked by what Apollo had said. He fixed his gaze on Athena.

"Goddes of Wisdom, my ass." He cursed "Poseidon was right."

He stormed out back to Percy to find him awake.


"Percy?" He looked at him.

Percy stayed silent, he held something in his hand, a dead spider. Had it crawled over to him?

"Percy, I-"

"Don't talk to me." Percy curled up into a ball. Rocking back and forth.

He silently left the room.

Sooner or later, Hermes walked in. He looked at, Percy sitting down beside him.

"Percy." He spoke


He reached for his shoulders.

"Percy, I'm sorry." He spoke softly, voice filled with remorse

Then, he found himself lying down on the floor. A gash on his face had been planted on him.

Percy stood up, kicking Hermes stomach over and over again as Hermes balled up.

Apollo, Hades, and Hestia arrives just in time to stop him. Tears falling from Percy's eyes.

"You should've said, NO!!" Percy screamed wanting to kick him more.

He stopped, forcefully yanking his arms away from them and slowly made his way to the window. Staring out.

They left him.


Hermes stumbled on his throne

"Who ran you over?" Ares laughed

"Not your motorcycle...!" He hissed

He deserved this.

"Apollo, how is he doing?" Asked Athena "Will visitation be allowed now?"

"That is his decision..." he growled "If he wants see the Idiot Goddess."

Athena's mouth gaped.

Apollo marched out of the room, muttering names such as 'Lord of the Underworld more like Lord of Orion's Smelly Underpants, or God of marriage more like God of Breakups'


"Apollo." Percy spoke to him.

"Yes?" He asked

"Why, didn't" He gulped "Why didn't you say no?"

There was no malicious intent in his voice, just the curiosity of a young child.

"I wanted to, but...." He looked down "But, then the urge to say, yes was growing larger and larger."

Percy nodded.

"When will people be allowed to visit?" He asked "I want to meet, Annabeth and apologize."

Apollo's eyes formed tears.

"Why?" He asked "Apologize for what?"

"For not giving her our ring." He pulled out a ring, golden in color.

It read

WG and SB 4evr

"Wise Girl and Seaweed Brain 4 ever." Percy muttered.

Apollo sat by him, patting his back rubbing it slowly.

"Its ok....." He spoke.

"You'll see her soon."

Percy Jackson: Soulless Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant