A little light

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When I got home I asked mum if I could go and she said that we all could go to the disco, which was pretty good. "Jack who are you going with." I said. "I am going with Beth you." Jack said. "Um I'm going with Brodie." I said. I noticed that his expression changed. "Wow are you going with that idiot." Jack said. "Yeah because my crush said no." I said. "Oh." Jack replied. He didn't sound sure about it and why doesn't he, oh never mind I don't care about it anyway. But wait he cares about me so he must be worried about me, I wonder who Cody is going with. "Mum it is unfair that they get to go to a disco, and I don't get to have a friends over."Lisa said in her whiny voice. "Well when your in high school you will be able to go as well, also do you think that you have been good enough." Mum said calmly. Lisa groaned and she walked straight up to me and she said. "Kate can you take me to the disco, please Kate please." I couldn't believe that she was asking me. "I will ask mum but you will have to wait and be good." I said. Then she walked up to her room, she seemed pretty happy and at least there is something good about my day. "Mum could I take Lisa to the disco." I said. "Yeah sure but make sure that she be's good ok." Mum said. "Yeah I will." I replied. "Good." Mum said. I walked up to Lisa's room and I told her, she seemed so happy to know that she could come. "Thank you Kate thank you so much." Lisa said. I was surprised that Lisa said thank you. "Your welcome Lisa." I said. About a hour later I was in the bathroom doing my hair and brushing my teeth again. I went into my bedroom and I saw a dress on my bed and there was a note it read:
Kate I went into your bedroom and I found this dress so I thought that you should wear it.
Love Lisa.
I was surprised that Lisa wrote love but I guess there is a little light in my heart and I could slowly feel my heart getting better. It made me very happy to know that me and my sister are friends.

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