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"So if you sit still a little longer I'll tell you how Jungkook was the start of everything."

You took a seat on the empty rusted piano bench, a vulnerable feeling came over you remember that this was what started everything. You knew a little bit about Jungkook but you wouldn't have ever guessed he had something to do with Yoongi's suicide. Jungkook was always nice, he did hangout with the 'Cool kids.' But he wasn't a bully.


"How's practice going?" Asked Jungkook as he sat beside Yoongi on the bench.
"Good, I can't believe the talent show is in a week." Said Yoongi.
"Yea we better work harder." Said Jungkook. The two boys continued to work on the duet, until Jungkook got a phone call.

"Hyung? Oh yea sure, do you mind if I bring a friend?" Said Jungkook. Yoongi stared at him with a questionable look.

"There's a party going on at Yoona's, Jin hyung told me you can come. Wanna join me? This will be a great way for you to make new friends here." Offered Jungkook.
"Uh, I don't know Parties aren't really my thing." Said Yoongi. Jungkook let out a groan.

"Come on Yoongi hyung it will be fun!"
"Fine I'll go." Yoongi said. Jungkook smiled with happiness.
The two drove to their destination. Yoongi got out of the car and he could hear the loud music, teenagers being teenagers, and he could see all the couples making out which made him almost throw up.
"Follow me." Said Jungkook as he guided Yoongi though the halls of the huge house with was filled with new faces. They arrived at the kitchen. Yoongi saw about 5 other guys there.

"Yoongi hyung, this is Taehyung, Namjoon, Hoseok, Jimin, and Jin, Guys this is Yoongi." Introduced Jungkook. Yoongi waved at the guys, and they simply smiled and waved back.

"So you're new here Yoongi?" Asked Taehyung. Yoongi nodded.
"Where did you live before?" Asked Hoseok.
"I lived in Seoul." Said Yoongi. They all looked at him in surprise.
"Wow that's cool. So how's your guys duet coming along ?" Asked Jimin.
"Great, we've been working really hard. Yoongi hyung is amazing." Said Jungkook. Yoongi smiled at his compliment.
"That's great." Said Jin. Right then another guy and his friends walked into the room.

"Well, well if it isn't they gay Jungkook. Is this your new boyfriend?" Said a guy with blonde died hair. When he said boyfriend, Yoongi figured he meant him.
"There's nothing wrong with guys doing music." Said Namjoon.
"And there's also nothing wrong with being gay." He continued. The bunch of guys started laughing.

"Whatever, bye losers." Said the same guy and left with his friends.
"Jungkook you gotta stand up for yourself man." Said Hoseok. Jungkook seemed very upset as he only looked at the ground.
"I know. I'm sorry go drag you in his Yoongi hyung." He said.
"It's okay but who are those guys ?" asked Yoongi.
"Some bullies from the football team." Said Taehyung. He just nodded his head.

Yoongi's Pov

"Well let's just party." Said Jin as he handed me a solo cup. I drank it down, needing to get rid of all the other stress in my life.
That night had been the best one of my life, though it started off ruff. I got really close with the others I was introduced to and for once in my life I felt as if I belonged... But that was only for a short while.

The day of the talent show came around and me and Jungkook were reversing. The whole time he looked extremely nervous.

"Something wrong kook?" I asked. He kept his eyes on the piano.
"N-no it's nothing." He said. We continued to practice until it was time to get ready and head to school for the talent show.
I stood backstage as the performance before us went, but Jungkook was no where to be seen. I waited more until it was announced that we are up.

"Could you please give me five more minutes?" I asked the girl who was the host.
"No can do, we're on a tight schedule." She said. Before I can say anything she spoke into the mic.
"Please give it up for Yoongi and Jungkook, performing there original song begin!" She said as she pushed me towards the stage. I looked at the crowd and my eyes met 5 familiar ones, who were the only ones clapping. I quickly scanned the crowd for Jungkook, but he was no where. My eyes traveled to the front seats where the football guys were sitting. All of them had a huge smirk across their faces.

Nervousness travelled down my spine as I look a seat on the piano. My fingers grazed the keys ever so gently. I took in a huge breathe and let it out, and begun to play the song.
By the end of it, clapping can be heard, except my ears only focused on the football guys who were yelling "get off the stage fag." I quickly got off the stage as I heard the crowd fill with laughter.

I walked off the stage and the first person I met with was Jungkook. He looked at me with worried eyes.

"Hyung I'm sorry-" before he could continued. I started walking away. He kept calling after me but I got in my car and drove away. Anger that raged though me, I felt as if I wasted all my time helping Jungkook.

The next day in school, I went to my locker but saw it was covered with writing calling me "Fag" and "Gay" which were not even insults but this damn school had no support for the LGBTQ community.
As I turned my head I saw a bunch of faces laughing at me. But my eyes only stared at 6 guys who did nothing to help me. I looked at Jungkook who looked quite happy. They all turned their backs and walked away. Leaving me helpless.


"There you have it, how Jungkook 'begun' the start of our friendship." Yoongi said. He let out a chuckle.

"Jungkook, I don't know why you did what you did. But I hope your happy now buddy. You were my first friend here, and you were nothing less than a younger brother for me. Don't let go of music for the fear of being bullied. You've got a lot of talent." He said. Tears streamed down you face as you couldn't help but think so low of Jungkook. 

"That's the end of this tape." Move on to the next one. You didn't listen to those words as you just gathered your backpack and left to go home. You wouldn't ever think that Jungkook, who now is the schools most popular guy for singing, would ever hide from his talent.

You needed to know why.

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