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Reader's Pov

"I'm not done yet, there's a bit more to why Hoseok is on this list." Said Yoongi, or should I say Yoongi's voice.


The night Yoongi went home all he could think about why Hoseok would have those pills. They were for weight loss so all Yoongi could muster up was he has some kind of self esteem issues.

The next day came by and Yoongi went to school. It seemed like a typical day, except more people were laughing at something on there phones.
Yoongi ignored them and continued to his locker. On his way he saw Hoseok,but he wasn't his usually self. Yoongi wanted to confront Hoseok, but he didn't know how. Before he can talk to Hoseok, he got a text. He opened up the text and what he saw next shook him.

It looked to be 2 men kissing each other, but what was surprising was that people were saying it's him and Hoseok. Yoongi put his phone away and walked up to Hoseok.

"Hoseok Listen-" Before Yoongi can finish his sentence Hoseok pushed Yoongi down.

"Stay away from me!" Yelled Hoseok. Hoseok raised his hand and punch Yoongi's faces. He walked away from Yoongi, leaving him on the floor. He didn't know how to process it. He just lost yet another person he trusted.

Yoongi picked himself up and tried his best to ignore all the people gathered around. He continued to treat the rest of the day as if it were a normal one.

One thing was for sure, he was never going to trust one of the 6 guys ever again.


"There you have it, why Hoseok is a reason I took my own life. Till this day I'll never know why he did what he did, but Hoseok I truly hope you stop harming yourself. Don't end up like me. The next person I'm gonna tell you about is none other then Kim Namjoon." Said Yoongi as the tape ended. I took off my headphones to reflect on what I heard. I've would have never thought Hoseok, the sunshiny boy would ever have issues. Then again you never know, I didn't think Yoongi was capable of killing himself but he did.

I decided it was enough for today and I should head to sleep.

Most of the night went away without me getting any sleep. Yoongi and the tapes were the only thing I could think about. Before I knew it, the sun raised and my alarm clock rang.

I got ready for school and headed down stairs.

"Honey, did you not sleep well? Your dark circles are so bad." Said my mom.
"Jeez thanks mom. No I didn't, but I'm going to school bye." I said as I walked out the door.

"Something's really off about her lately don't you think?" Asked Mom.
"I think it has something to do with that kid Yoongi's suicide." Said Dad.

Walking to school, again the only thing I could think of is Yoongi. I remembered that day so clearly.


It was just another normal day and I put all my books in my locker. As I was heading out for class, I got a text.
Opening it up, I saw 2 men kissing. To tell you the truth, I found it very sweet. I read the caption of the text and it said it was Yoongi and Hoseok. When I read that my eyes widened a bit.

But I shook it off, knowing it was probably just bullies again. As I walked towards my class I can see a crowd up ahead, and I could hear some yelling.
Was that Hoseok's voice?

I quickly rushed towards the crowd and saw Yoongi was on the ground. I tried getting though but people won't move. It was too late because Yoongi had walked away, but I decided to follow him. He went into the music room. I entered though the doors, and saw him banging hard on the keys of the piano.

"Hey! Stop Yoongi!" I said as I moved his hands away from the keyboard. He looked at me with suppression.
"Are you alright?" I asked him. He turned away avoiding eye contact. There was a bruise on his face.

"Yoongi, I saw what happened. I know it wasn't you on the picture." I said. His face seemed to have softened.
"I'm right here, I'll be your friend." I said. He didn't seem to bulge.
"How do I know you won't betray me like everyone else?" He asked.
"I won't. I promise."

The next thing I did seemed to be perfect for the time. He really seemed like he needed it. I wrapped my arms around his body and pulled him close. I felt him stiffen, but not after long he relaxed and wrapped his arms around my body. His face buried in my neck. I noticed that he smelt really nice, like lavender. After a little while we pulled apart. He still seemed to avoid my eyes, but from what I can tell he had a faint blush across his face. Before I knew it, I was blushing too.

"T-thank for that."
"No problem."

~End of Flashback~

Sorry for not updating so often! I just wanted to know if you guys don't mind how I'm trailing off from the tapes too much.
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