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"Jimin?" You asked. The black haired boy took a seat next to you. The both of you go way back since you were friends since childhood.
"You're in these tapes?" You asked him. You knew Jimin hung out with Jungkook and the others, but you wouldn't have thought he talked to Yoongi. Jimin is the nicest person you know too.

"Yep." He said.
"Tell me something? Is what I did really that bad?" You asked.
"I can't tell you that, but I can tell you it's what broke him completely." He said.
"Look (Y/n), we all did stuff but my hyungs told me not everything on that is true. So it's for you to decide if what you did is." Jimin said.
"Why would Yoongi lie about these?" You asked.
"Probably because he wants us to get in trouble, I know we did stuff but it's not as bad as he says it is." He said. Anger boiled though you.
"Are you fucking serious? I thought you were better then this. Yoongi would have gotten nothing for lying because he's gone! Your friends are probably just covering their asses by saying it's a lie." You said. Jimin looked taken back by your sudden outburst.

"(Y/n) calm down. The truth is we will never know but I'm just saying. What you did seems unbelievable to me." He said. Before you can ask him futher questions he walked away.

You just wanted to know what you did, but looks like the only way you can find that out is by listening to the tapes.

Since night was soon to fall, you decided to go home. As you walked futher home the park you noticed a grey Honda. A guy walked out from it, and he was coming towards you.
He resembled Yoongi a lot, and from what Jungkook told you his brother drives a grey Honda.

"Hello I'm Wongjin. I'm Yoongi's older brother." He said. He held out his hand for you to shake, which you did.
"I'm (y/n)." You said.
"I know. I hope you don't mind me being around sometimes." He said.
"Why do you do that? It's kinda creepy." You honestly said. He laughed.
"You see, Yoongi trusted me with making sure everyone on these tapes listens to them in order. He also wanted me to make sure the tapes gets passed on. So I have to be here to see that you guys don't damage them and you actually listen to them." He said. You nodded.

"I gotta go now, but nice meeting you." You said. You begun walking away, but he grabbed your hand, making you turn around.
"Wait! I need to tell you something important." He said. He let go of your hand and you waited for him to tell you.
"The others, they're planning to get you to shut up about this." He said. You were confused of what he meant.
"What do you mean?" You asked.
"Since you weren't really a part of them, you may tell someone about these tapes. If you do they're reputation will be tarnished." He said.
"So watch out." He said. He waved his hand and walked away.
"Wait! If you knew about these tapes, why didn't you take legal actions towards them?" You asked.
"Because that's not what Yoongi wanted. He doesn't want them to pay with money, he just wants the people who did this to know they did this and he wants to make sure this doesn't happen to anyone." Said Wongjin. He went back into his car and drove away.

You walked home, and when you arrived you saw someone else's car parked in the driveway. You opened the door and walked in the dining room.

Jimin and his family was there.

"Ah (Y/n) you're home!" Said your mom.
"How rude of you, greet your guests." She said. You weakly smiled at them.
"H-hello." You said. Jimin's mom came and hugged you. It was a little awkward since you stayed still.
"Look at you (Y/n) you've grown so much!" She said. You smiled at her. You looked over to Jimin who was just quietly sitting on his phone.

"Well dinner will take awhile, why don't you take Jimin upstairs (Y/n)." Said your Dad. 'Kill me now.' You taught. Jimin got out of his seat.

"Lead the way." He said while smirking.

Sorry the story isn't saying the reasons, but I really just want something more then just the 13 reasons.

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