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Jimin followed you into you room and sat down on you desk chair.

"Damn it's been long since I've been here." He said. You just rolled your eyes and sat on your bed. You didn't want to put up with Jimin right now, you just wanted to listen to the tapes.
"Are you still mad at me?" He asked. Well no shit Sherlock. You simply ignored his comment and continued scrolling though you phone.

"(Y/n) you know I didn't mean anything bad with what I said. I just wanted you to know." He said. This time you acknowledge him and shot him a glare.
"Jimin, what happened to you?" You asked. He gave you a questionable look.
"What do you mean?" He asked. You let out a sigh.

"You used to be the nicest person I knew, you cared about everyone. You helped everyone. Then suddenly you started hanging out with Jin and the others and you just changed. You became more ignorant." You said. Jimin lets out a tsk.

"Stop blaming everything on the others! People change okay." He said. His sudden change in tone startled you.

"Kids diner's ready!" Called your mom. You gave Jimin one last glare.

"Just so you know, the Jimin I used to know would never use that voice, and would never say that." You said and left. Jimin stood there taking in everything you just said.

Diner was awfully quite, your parents and Jimin's parents could sense the conflict between you two.

Soon diner was over, and the Parks left. You helped wash dishes before heading up to your room.

"Wait! (Y/n)." You heard your mom call out. You turned to look at her.
"Are you alright honey?" She asked with a worried face. You just wished you could tell her.
"Y-yeah I'm fine. Goodnight." You said as you ran to your room. You jumped onto your bed and buried your face in your pillow. Hot tears started streaming down your face. Why is it every time someone asks if I'm okay, I just break?

After letting out your tears, you pulled out you tape player. You decided to continue listening.

"So basically, from that day on Hoseok and I became pretty close. He made me laugh a lot, and distracted me from everything that was going on." Said Yoongi's voice.


"Hey bro, wanna go catch a movie at my place tonight?" Asked Hoseok. He looked around to see if anyone was looking at the two talking. This made Yoongi a little upset since he can clearly see Hoseok is ashamed to see them together.

"Um, yea sure why not? What time?" He asked. Hoseok gave him a bright smile that instantly wiped Yoongi's sad thoughts away.
"Come around 7." He said. Hoseok snaked his hand around Yoongi's shoulders as the two started walking to their classroom.

"Yo, Hoseok what the fuck are you doing with the Fag?" Called someone from behind them. Hoseok instantly took his hand away from Yoongi. They saw one of the football jock bitches.
"Ugh, nothing I was telling him how much of a fag he is." Said Hoseok. Yoongi's heart dropped, but he knew Hoseok was lying. Still he couldn't help but be upset. The Jock started laughing.

"Carry on then." The male said as he walked away.
"I'm so sorry." Said Hoseok.
"It's okay. But really though can't they come up with something other then Fag? Like it's so stupid it's the 21st century and people still think being gay is an insult." Said Yoongi as he let out a long sigh.
"You're right, people are dumb." Said Hoseok.
"You're dumber for pretending to be a bully." Said Yoongi. Hoseok pouted.
"Hey! I'm not."
"Are too."
"Am not!"

Yoongi chuckled at Hoseok's childishness.
"Okay I'm off to class, see you at 7 then." Said Hoseok as he walked away.
Once again Yoongi felt all alone.

Soon after school ended it was time for Yoongi to go hang out with Hoseok. To be honest, Yoongi was really excited since it's been awhile since he's done something remotely fun. Yoongi pulled over to Hoseok's house. He knocked on the door and a smiling sunshine greeted him.

"You're here! Come on in." Said Hoseok as he stepped aside so Yoongi can come in. Yoongi looked around his house.
"Your house is really nice." Complimented Yoongi.
"Thanks! Can you do me a favour and pour those chips in a bowl? There's a knife in that drawer." Said Hoseok as e pointed at a drawer in the kitchen.
"Sure." Said Yoongi.
"I'll be right back I'm going to the washroom." Hoseok said as he went up the stairs.

Yoongi looked in the drawer and found a knife. He started cutting the bag open, but unfortunately the knife slipped.
"Ah fuck!" Yoongi cursed as blood pooled down his hands. He looked in more drawers to find bandaids but he couldn't. He decided to go upstairs in hopes of finding Hoseok.
Yoongi held his hand and went up stairs. Running water could be heard from one of the doors which had light shining though. Yoongi walked towards the door. Before he could go in and ask for Hoseok's help, he saw something that his eyes can't unsee.

Hoseok was dumping pills onto his hand . Yoongi completely forgot about his hand.

"Yah! Hoseok what are you doing?!!" Yoongi yelled as he hit Hoseok's hand, making the pills fall into the sink. Hoseok was too shocked to say anything. Yoongi grabbed the bottle of pills and read the label. They were some kind of pills that make you lose weight like crazy. Yoongi also knows that too much can kill you.

"Are you trying to kill yourself?" Asked Yoongi. Hoseok couldn't make eye contact.
"Answers me!" Yoongi demanded. Suddenly Hoseok's face changed into a mad one.
"It's none of you fucking business! Get the fuck out of my house and never come back!" Yelled Hoseok. Yoongi was too shocked to move, before he can process what had happened, Hoseok pushed him out the door. Yoongi didn't want to be there longer so he ran out the door.

That's when Hoseok noticed trails of blood.


Long ass chapter because I'm sorry for not updating often.

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