Chapter 15

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I bring you

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I bring you........tha fabulous Levi!!!  Couldn't find one in color, soooooo... black fabulous hair, pale skin and eyes as cold as steel. Still pretty tho. ;) 


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Again... couldn't find color. But Erwin has sky blue eyes and blond hair and the space between tan and light skin.

 But Erwin has sky blue eyes and blond hair and the space between tan and light skin

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Last but not least... Hanji!!! I found one in color!

Levi POV:

'It was the day after we found the two brats intruding. At first we thought they were one of ours trying to escape, but they were actually trying to get in.'

"So you two idiots are telling me, that you've been living in secure bunkers for an entire year and only recently got out because there wasn't any resources left?" I asked impatiently at the two brats sitting in front of me.

"Y-yes." The boy with the two toned hair said as he took another gulp of the water we gave him. "But we weren't in the same bunker, were we Sasha?" The boy nudged the girl beside him nervously, as she just nodded and said. "You were in a bunker, I was living on a farm." She then kept on eating.

'Disgusting.' I thought to myself as I glared at them. I then lied back crossing my arms in front of my chest.

"What do you mean you weren't in the same bunker or farm, or whatever?" My irritating  'companion' Hanji Zoe said excitedly as we were talking to outsiders for the first time.

It was really rare to actually see people from the outside who were not dead, or dead and walking for that matter.

"Ift's e rellie lang sthoree." The girl revealed as Sasha said her mouth full of food.

"Tch." My glare hardened.

"I'm Jean by the way and what Sasha means to say is that it's a really long story." Jean took a bite from an apple.

"We've got time." Our commander, Erwin Smith smiled softly.

'Fake smile...' I rolled my eyes.

"Okay then. Obviously the hero here is m-" Jean started but was interrupted.

"Is (Y/n)!" Sasha smiled. "She's also almost like our leader."

"Who made her leader?!" The horse boy yelled as he raised his voice making the Sasha-girl glare at him while gulping down her food.

"Oh, shut up Jean." Sasha rolled her eyes. "If it weren't for her you'd be dead by now."

"It goes the same to you." Jean grumbled.

"Who is this (Y/n) you're talking about?" Erwin asked knitting his 'thick' eyebrows together.

"Only the best, best friend ever!" Sasha threw her hands in the air.

"That's not what he meant, brat." I growled at the girl.

She looked down quickly. "W-well." The girl took a deep breath of air and started talking very fast. "(Y/n) comes from South Africa and she has an accent but she denies it, although we tell her that she has one. She's really grumpy about that. She also saved me from four zombies and we became best friends after I knocked a zombie off of her with a frying pan and she killed it by shooting it in the head, of course. Later we found Ben, which is the cutest and coolest dog ever. He's really fond of (Y/n) but doesn't like Jean." She got interrupted by Jean saying a faint 'hey'. Sasha took another breath and then continued. "We then got a pickup truck, which (Y/n) calls a 'Bakkie' for some weird reason. Probably something in her home language or something. A lot of people sometimes talk about a cure going around in the city, where we are now, so we decided to come here. We ran out of food and gas so we stopped by a random gas station to get food and all that and that's where we met Jean and Marco. (Y/n) almost shot them in the head, but we all made peace. After that we went to their bunker 'after' we found out there wasn't any gas at the gas station, which (Y/n) said something in her language again, I think she said it was Afrikaans or something. But anyway, before we got to the bunker, we ran into a herd of zombies which led to (Y/n) saving us yet again. Marco gun backfired in his hand, but (Y/n) took care of it. We then lived in the bunker for about two weeks, but the food and water ran out so we went deeper into the city. After about two hours since leaving the bunker, we got separated by a herd of zombies. When me and Jean lost those disgusting creatures, I smelled the delicious aroma of stew and we followed it. We then came up to this big ass wall where we climbed a tree to get to the top. By the way, you guys really need to work on your security, you could ask (Y/n) about it. She's really good when it comes to that kind of stuff. Anyway, that is the story of how we got here." Sasha finished and then took another bite of bread.

Hanji and Erwin just stared at them. Levi looked bored as always, but there was a hint of surprise in his eyes.

Jean then looked over at the three and thought that they didn't quite catch what Sasha said. He then started to explain. "You see, we're just four. Me, Sasha, Marco and (Y/n). We're kinda searching for a cure that's been going around town. We were walking in a town, about a few hours away and then got attacked by a herd of zombies. So we got separated and that's how we met you." Jean smirked at us.

'A cure?' I thought as I raised my eyebrows a little, but my face went back to it's stoic state in seconds.

Hanji then suddenly slammed her hands against the table where we were sitting. "A cure!?" She yelled.

"Yeah." Jean nodded his head. "You guys don't know?" 

Hanji and Erwin shook their heads. 

"You guys should really get out more." Jean mumbled as he finished his third apple. 

'These guys must be hungry...savages.' I thought as I glanced between the two. 

Erwin cleared his throat. "What happened to the other two?"

Sasha looked troubled. "We're not sure if they're still alive..."

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