[ 01% ] : The Beginning

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Hello . . ?

The first words pops into the screen of [ MC ]'s phone ever since she downloaded the app that caught her eye. She turns her body to the opposite side of the bed as she types in confusion.


It's been a long, long week for [ MC ] especially when people are expecting a lot from her. Finding a job, being successful, maybe starting to live her life. It's hard for her. Of course, it's been heard that she aced to graduation already. It's expected that she'll be doing many things with her life. Yet, hearing that from others who looks up to her, it's pressuring.

She has several job offers. But when she looked through it, none was a fit for her. It just doesn't click for her. She rejected all of it. Threw all the letters away. Looking at the invitation itself is very stressing for her.

She needed a getaway. An escape from everything. A gateway to clear her mind. Her solution was gaming. That's until an app caught her eye while she was exploring the App Store. She stumbles upon an app called, Mystic Messenger.

She thinks it's just an ordinary app. But it's not what she thinks it is, it's something way more interesting.

Can you see this?

A message escalates through the chat. [ MC ] peeks at the name of the person typing. An 'Unknown' user.

Who are you?

She questions shortly. She doesn't know who the hell this person was. She concludes that it's best if she keeps it short and steady.

I'm sure you're surprised.

It's not everyday you get a text from a stranger.

I'm a bit flustered myself. I found a smartphone at the subway station, but all it had was this messenger app.

I want to find the owner but I don't see any contact info or call records...

I've been sending messages with this app but no reply...

'Huh.' [ MC ] thought to herself and continues to read. She furrows her eyebrows from the brightness of her phone.

All I see is an address and some important-looking numbers saved in notes.

I'd like to go there myself but I'm currently abroad.

[ MC ] types in an instant when she saw the chance of inserting a question.

First . . . who are you?

She needs to ask the person at any point right now. She does not intend on calling the person 'Unknown' forever. Besides, their identity might make her less suspicious about what's going.

Me? Oh sorry, I didn't even introduce myself.

I'm just... a student studying abroad. I'm Korean.

I could tell you my name, but it doesn't really matter.

At this point, [ MC ] is slightly convinced.

You won't find me on search engines ^^;

But anyways..

Can you help me find the owner of this phone?

I know you're surprised to have someone suddenly pop up and ask you a favor like this.

But still...

Unnamed | Saeran X MCWhere stories live. Discover now