[ 05% ] : Unknown's Demand

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You know what to do. I will kill you if you dont reach my expectations.

The text reads boldly across the screen.

"Psh." [ MC ] puts her phone down with a sigh.

It was the first day. Ten more days to go and she'll finally know the answer to her question. As expected, the RFA treated her well again. They always do in every route yet, something is a bit off.

Though, she can't put her finger on it.

Another chatroom opens when the time strikes a specific number on a 7 pm. She's actually determined to be online every chatroom.

She could've used or bought some hourglasses but, it'd feel cheating for her. So, she tries her very best to stay awake at 12 am.

Her dark circles were a visible. It was a sign of strong will.

The chat continues to go on as [ MC ] tries her best to look kind and supportive, fooling the RFA members of her real scheme.

That is, working with Unknown.

The chatroom has ended.

[ MC ] boringly flips her body on the opposite side, facing the documents and gadgets that Rika used when she used to live there.

She's successfully completed the first day. Though, it felt nothing for her since she's been at the same spot several times.

She possibly might have memorized what they're about to say and make up interesting theories. But then again, why should she waste her time over telling someone about it?

Not even Hyeon knows about it.

As she was continually going on finding the answers to her questions. It seems like something was out of place.

Something was missing, or maybe,

Something peculiar is already starting to exist.

The silent room was disturbed by the abrupt call from [ MC ]'s phone. She peeks at the caller ID and saw Hyeon's name. She quickly answers.

"Lala." [ MC ] begins.

"Where the hell are you? I came by your place to surprise you for our movie night but you weren't there. Are you okay?" Hyeon says.

'Right. It's been a long time since we had our movie nights.' [ MC ] thought.

"I'm . . . sorry." She apologizes. "For what?" Hyeon asks. "I can't make it." [ MC ] announces.

She hears complete tranquility from the other side of the phone. Probably the crippling disappointment Hyeon was having.

"Again?" He calmly asks. "I'm sorry. I'm somewhere away from home. You can just finish your duties as the CFO for tonight rather than wasting time on movie nights with me."

"Movie nights with you isn't a waste of time, [ MC ]." He states. For some reason, she feels flattered by what he said.

She tucks a lock of hair behind her ear and sighs. She feels guilty. This rarely happens to her because she's so honest and straightforward to people that not even an ounce of guilt would be present.

Hyeon sighs. "Promise me something, [ MC ] . . ." He trails off. This cauht her attention.

"Promise me . . . that you'll be safe wherever you are." He says with a tone of concern in his voice.

This made [ MC ] smile and reply with a, "I promise." She confirms.

"Thank you. And please, try your best in coming next week." He hints. "Will do." She replies plainly.

"Goodnight." Hyeon ends the call.

"Goodbye, Hyeon." [ MC ] whispers in which Hyeon wouldn't hear anymore.

She plops comfortably on her bed.

Her plain night somehow didn't turn out so basic. It felt nice to feel something unexpected.

Her phone buzzes, receiving a text message from the app. She opens the notification as the text reveals.

Park. Right now.

Unknown demands.

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