15| Angel

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Louis' POV

Harry was too darn cute now that we were dating. He wouldn't stop clinging to me when I took him out to run errands or just to hang out at home. It was kind of cute but what wasn't cute was this little dork couldn't keep his trash in the garbage and his clothes off the floor when he spent the night. I almost had a panic attack when I came home to a big mess.

I talked to him about it but I don't think he understands how bad my OCD is. I was currently driving to his place to surprise him because he didn't show up to work and according to Liam he was very upset about a recent family member passing away. I stopped at the grocery store before and bought him some flowers to feel better.

I pulled into his place and grabbed the bouquet before hopping out and knocking on the door. I waited for about a minute before Harry answered dressed in yoga pants and a baggy T-shirt. "Louis," he said lightly. I smiled and wrapped him up in a hug, my arms going around his shoulders and his arms squeezing my waist.

I could feel his body shake with sobs and I kissed the top of his head in comfort. "I- I never got to say goodbye," he cried as he pulled away and let me in.

"I know, I'm sorry Hazza," I said quietly. I handed him the flowers and saw his red, tired eyes light up.

"For me?" I nodded and he leaned up to kiss me. I kissed back passionately and pulled away then thumbed away the tear tracks down his cheek.

"She is an angel now Har, God only picks the greatest flowers. The bad ones lead their own path to death."

"That was really dark but thank you," Harry chuckled. I smiled widely and kissed Harry again chastely on the lips then took off his shoes.

(Changing to third person now)

"Wanna watch a movie or something?" Harry nodded eagerly and slipped a disk in the DVD player.

They watched all the Taken movies and Harry was really into it but all Louis could think about was him. Even upset and tired looking Harry appeared to be an angel. His messy curls were displayed away from his face and his pink puffy lips were set in a straight line. His eyes were red and dull from crying but Louis still was blinded by the beauty. And to think this boy was only on partnership with him for another month was upsetting. As much as he hated Harry in the beginning he admitted that he really liked him and didn't want him to leave work so soon. The clumsy boy caught Louis' heart on a hook and there was no letting go.

After a half an hour into the movie Harry's body was leaning on Louis and Louis wrapped his arm around Harry's side and placed a kiss to Harry's head.

"Go to sleep Hazza, it's okay. I'll carry you to bed later," Louis whispered soothingly as his thumb rubbed the skin of Harry's side where his shirt rode up.

"Okay," Harry whispered back as he closed his eyes. Within minutes the boy had small snores escaping his obscenely pink lips. Louis smiled fondly and he kissed Harry's head again then brought him to bed before falling asleep too.


When morning rolled around Louis was up bright and early with pain meds for Harry's head ache from crying so much the previous day. He made them both tea and made Harry a breakfast sandwich. When he was done he placed the food on a tray then walked to Harold's room to wake him up to eat his breakfast.

He entered the room and set the tray on the night stand quietly and admired the sleeping angel for a couple of minutes before waking him.

"Hazzie, time to wake up babe. I made you breakfast."

"Hmph," Harry hummed in his sleep.

"Wake up doll," Louis attempted again. He gave a little nudge to the sleeping beauty and Harry's eyes opened slowly, adjusting to the light.

"Morning. I made you breakfast," Louis said as he kissed Harry's cheek.

"Thank you," Harry replied in a raspy morning voice that had Louis weak at the knees.

"You're very welcome, eat up." Louis said as he went to use the loo.

When he was done he washed his hands and went back to the bedroom to find Harry fast asleep again and the tray half eaten. Louis chuckled quietly and brought the tray back to the kitchen then washed all of the plates and the cup on it. He wiped down the counters then sauntered back to the bedroom and crawled back in bed with Harry. Louis swept the hair out of Harry's face and pressed a light kiss to his cheek. Harry instinctively cuddled into Louis' side and had him smiling fondly again.

"I love you Harry," and yeah Louis just said that.

"I love you more," and yeah Harry just reciprocated it. And wow Louis was never more fascinated with someone before Harry.


Sorry I haven't updated in like a week, here's a small cute filler to keep you satisfied 💕

Also sorry for any mistakes I'll go back and check for any tomorrow ❣️

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