27| Little Pink Shorts

572 28 18

Louis' POV

I woke up around 8 am to Harry talking to someone in the living room.

I rolled out of bed and trudged to the bathroom to brush my teeth quickly so I could see who was here. When I was done I wiped my mouth on a towel and went to the living room where Harry was sitting on the couch talking on the phone- on my phone.

"Yeah yeah he's here! He just woke up actually," he covers the bottom of my phone with his hand, "morning babe."

"Yes that would be lovely Jay!"


"Harry what are you doing!?" I whisper yelled and he lifted his right arm and waved me off.

"Of course! Oh I can't wait to see you." My eyes widened ten times their normal size and I tried to swipe the phone away from him.

"Okay well- I GOT TO GO SEE YOU TOMORROW!" He got louder as I wrested the phone from his hands. I panted as I hung up the phone and looked at him with murderous eyes.

"What the hell were you doing talking to my mom?!"

"Well she called and you said you didn't talk to them that often anymore so I thought you'd appreciate it if I answered," Harry said while looking like an angel.

"No! I don't appreciate that! You can't just make plans with my mum who you've never spoken to before and then expect me to be okay with it," I stated as I looked at him in disbelief.

"I'm sorry Lou, she sounded really sweet. I just wanted to meet her. I didn't think I was harming anyone," Harry spoke quietly as he looked away in embarrassment.

I sighed as I sat next to him on the couch. "So what are we doing?"


"What are we doing? What are the plans?" I studied his face as a smile broke out on it.

"We're still doing it!?"

"Yes, I'm not gonna cancel your plans and if you're really that ecstatic to meet my mum then I can't stop you," I sighed as I laced my fingers with his.

"She wants to make us lunch at her house in Doncaster."

"My childhood home," I mused in thought, Harry nodded and rubbed my shoulder.

"So do you want to go?" Harry asked innocently as he looked at me with his big doe eyes.

"Of course baby; I'm not gonna miss my mum and my boyfriend's first meeting. Now what time does she want us there?"

"Eleven thirty tomorrow."

"Okay..and what do you want to do today?"

"We could go get ice cream and show unnecessary pda?" Harry suggested with a twinkle in his eye.

"Okay," I smirked,"then PDA and ice cream it is. I love you," I said and I kissed his cute lips before taking his hand and leading him up to my bathroom. We bickered like a married couple, changed into our outfits of the day, made out a little, then finally finished off with me spraying Harry's favorite perfume on him.

We got in the car a few minutes later and I buckled Harry in like I always did. He looked at me with his beautiful green orbs and I couldn't help but kiss his lips then his soft jaw before closing the car door and getting in on the drivers side.

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