18| I Can Picture

712 24 12

Harry's POV

I woke up to the sound of a shower running and sunlight peeking through the curtains. I rolled out of bed and noticed the bathroom door was open a bit.

Deciding that it was probably nothing I shouldn't see- since the door was left open after all- I pushed it open and entered the steamy room. Behind the foggy glass stood Louis facing the other way and running a washcloth on his arms and torso. I got to say, I am one lucky boy.

I stood there for about two minutes drooling over his body before I decided to strip and join him. I quickly shed my clothes and opened the shower door then stepped in behind him. As if on instinct he leaned back into my chest and I wrapped my arm around his waist.

"Morning Lou," I mumbled as I leaned my head over his shoulder and pecked his cheek.

"Hey Hazzie," he replied.

I smiled as he turned around and leaned forward, resting his hands in my dry hair. "You look delicious under the water," he smirked while making me blush hard.

"Am I?"

He nodded and licked his upper lip before adding "A snack," and winking seductively. I giggled and pressed my lips to his moist ones. His small hands slid down my back as he pulled me in causing our torsos to touch.

"I don't understand how you're the dominant one. You're so small," I laughed causing him to pout.

"I may be small but my personality is big. Plus, you melt under my commands," Louis replied as he nudged me into the shower wall and sucked my bottom lip harshly making me whine.

He nibbled on the skin of my neck and his hands caressed my sides intimately. "You're so very pretty, my princess," kiss,

"My little cupcake," kiss,

"So handsome," Louis said as he bent down and started trailing kissed down my chest and stomach.

"God Lou," I whimpered.

"Harry?" He asked as he got up and rested his arms around my shoulders.


"I love you," he whispered quietly. I didn't respond, but instead I molded my lips to his to show him how true his statement was. His fingers dug into my wet hair and tugged gently while his other hand gripped my muscular shoulder.



"I love you more," I replied making a smile stretch onto his lips. Louis always had the most heart warming smiles but this one lit up to his eyes and was so contagious I thought we would burst.

"Gosh you are my everything," he whispered while resting his forehead on mine, eyes switching back and forth between my green ones.

"We should probably get out, the water is running cold," I suggested causing him to nod and he turned the nob until the water stopped.

We got out in silence and he grabbed one of the white fluffy towels and turned me around. I was confused until I felt the towel being rubbed across my back, he was drying me.

Once I was done drying him and we were both changed we went downstairs to officially start the day.

"So, I was thinking. would you like to grab a tea then go for a walk or something?" He asked.

"Yeah, as long as I'm with you," I replied causing him to smile and pinch my cheeks.

"Awwww Harry!" He squealed in a high pitched playful tone.

I scoffed as I stood up and followed him out of the flat and to his car. He buckled me in just like the first time except this time he kissed me before shutting the door. "Shall we go love?" He asked me as he got in and shut his door. I nodded with a smile playing on my lips and reached out, lacing my fingers with his.


We ordered our teas and sat down at one of the small booths made for two. I gazed at the window which reflected the cafe's name on the front window reading 'Kennington's Cafe'.

"I picture a future with you," Louis starts quietly and I stay silent to see if he has anything else to say.

"I can picture proposing and you saying yes with tears in your eyes. I can picture holding your ring clad finger and knowing you're all mine for however long you'd have me. I can picture waking up beside you and staring into your beautiful marble green eyes and just thinking wow, I'm in love with this man. I can picture going out to dinner with you, and I can picture taking mental health days with you. I can picture you making my morning tea because you know just how I like it. I can picture making love to you and feeling all the emotions wash out of me and roll into you. I can picture adopting with you, and I can picture you making silly faces at our daughter or son. I can picture growing old with you. I can picture us before we die just sitting in front of the fireplace with our children old with grandchildren. I can picture everything I've always wanted with someone, but I can't picture it with anyone else but you," He finished.

I had long stopped drinking my tea and my head was resting in my palm and my heart was filled with adoration for this boy. All I can seem to think about is how I got so damn lucky. "And I can't picture it with anyone else but you either Lou, I love you."

"I love you." I smiled and tangled my fingers with his from across the small booth and leaned over, meeting him in the middle with a chaste kiss.

And as I thought I had to admit, I was totally fallen for this brown haired, blue eyed boy. Yes, he was sassy at times. Yes, he was fussy and a little unbearable sometimes. Sometimes inconsiderate, and most of the time he was just a doll. And yes, I love him.

"Let's get going before it starts getting dark," Louis said sweetly as he took my hand and lead me out.

I could get used to this...


A little fluff for y'all before my week of hell :)

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