21| Freeze!

528 18 8

Unedited, sorry for mistakes! ❤️
I was sat on my bed in my dorm with Josh who was currently playing with my hair. I desperately needed a haircut but my student loans and stuff didn't allow me to have extra money. Sometimes I didn't get to eat..

"So I was thinking, you were talking about a trim a week ago right?" Josh asked in concentration.

"Yeah why?"

"Well my friend back home is actually in beauty school. Her name is Jessie and she does my hair all the time, maybe I could call her up?"

"That'd be great, yeah," I smiled as I turned to look at him. A smile graced his face and he turned me back around and played with my hair again as my cell phone went off.

Perrie was calling. That was strange since she usually only texts.

"Hey Perrie?"

"Harry! I need you right now it's an emergency!"

"Slow down! What happened?"

"Okay well my friend Jade invited us to this party right? And so Lark came with me to it and when we got there it was really chill but then a whole group of guys came and they started doing drug deals with Jade and her brothers friends and then they pulled out guns and one of the kids at the party was shot-"


"Harry listen to me please! The police are on their way and I don't have a ride. Can you please come get me!? I don't want to get arrested and I don't know where Lark is!" Perrie cried on the other line.

"Where are you? I'll be there asap." She told me the address and I ran out of my dorm before Josh had a chance to ask what was going on. I flew down the steps since the elevator would take too long, and I jogged out the door and around the block to the parking lot where my car has been since I arrived here. Quickly unlocking the car, I flung open the door and started the car while getting in and attempting my seat belt. With one last slam of the door I was speeding out of the parking lot in the blink of an eye.


I pulled up my car at the corner and jumped out in back of the house where college kids were rushing around trying to leave before they got caught. I saw Perrie and ran up to her just as police sirens were heard somewhere up the street in the front of the house.

"Perrie! Here's the keys the car is right there, where's Lark!?" I rushed out quickly. She looked panicked and stiffened at the sound of the sirens.

"I DON'T KNOW HARRY BUT WE HAVE TO GET OUT OF HERE! Lark will be fine we got to go NOW!" She shouted over the screeching sirens and panicked students.

"Get in the car I'm going find Lark."

"What!? No!"

"I said get. In. The. Car," I said sternly and she stared widely at me before rushing to the car as I ran inside where kids were rushing around leaving out of doors and windows.

I screamed Larks name and searched the whole downstairs but there was no sign of her anywhere. I took a deep breath to calm my self as I heard gunshots outside then ran up the stairs and checked the rooms.

I finally found her tucked into the corner of a closet in a bedroom with her face hiding in her knees.

"Lark!" I shouted and her head snapped up quickly. Fear was written all over her face and I yelled at her to come with me. When she struggled to get up I yanked her up and dragged her out of the bedroom and lead her quickly down the stairs in front of me.

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