33| The Plan

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Place: Home
Time: 12:24 pm
Date: December 24th

Harry's POV

It is hard to know Louis might be in danger and I can't tell him. Liam and I made the plan yesterday and it will be forced into action tonight after Louis is sleeping. Hopefully all goes well and it's just a puddle in the road.

Today was Christmas Eve. Which meant it was Louis' birthday so I think we'd be doing a couple of fun things today for that. I was excited but still couldn't shake all the bad possibilities that could happen tonight from my mind.

Despite the bad night that was about to occur I woke up to Louis's velvet mouth on me down there. Of course I returned the favor before we ate a breakfast consisting of cheese and tomato omelettes.

Then to start off the day I took Louis shopping with the money I had brought with me for vacation. I got him a cream colored Adidas sweater and a pair of vans that he really liked. We also had taken pictures in front of a statue in the mall and posted them on Instagram.

About mid day Louis and I decided we wanted PinkBerry so I drove down and we fed each other pecan froyo from the plastic spoons they gave us. We decided to share since we are love birds. I couldn't help but laugh when I went to feed Louis some but a dollop fell onto his chin. "Harry!" He squeaked as he grabbed a napkin to wipe his chin and save his clothes from the sticky substance.

"Sorry love," I smiled and kissed his soft cheek.

"It's okay," Louis gave a cute closed mouth smile and got some on his spoon and fed me. I closed my lips around the spoon and pulled away dirtily.

"Really harry?" Louis groaned as he squeezed my knee knowingly.

"You love it," I whispered to him with a small playful smirk.

"I do baby, but we are in public," Louis replied getting quieter each word.

"Never stopped you from sucking my cock in the car on the highway, or humiliating me in the museum after hours."

"You're right," Louis smirked and leaned in to kiss me. Instead of the peck I expected, Louis had set down the froyo and began to make out with me at a table in PinkBerry where people could see. He gave me open mouth kisses and occasionally slipped his tongue in, his hand was gripping my cheeks and squishing them together while shoving his tongue in my mouth. I wouldn't say I enjoyed it but I enjoyed it...

Until we got kicked out that is. "I can't believe you just got us kicked out Lou."

"You were asking for it," he smirked as we walked back to the car hand in hand.


"What Princess?"

"Can we go to the pet store?" I begged cutely, at least I thought it was cute.

"I can't afford a pet Harry. Especially since I don't have my baby to stay and help me take care of it," he stated making me think for a minute or two.

"Please can we just look around?" I asked and gave him a pout.

"Fine," he sighed.

And that's how we ended up leaving the pet store with a gold fish named Phil. Gold fish were easy to care for and Louis was also easy to crack when it came to me.

"So I said no pets yet here we are leaving the store with a pet goldfish....named Phil."

I smiled cheekily at him and caressed Phil in his carrier as Louis drove us back home to get our new fish tank running. We bought tiny Christmas lights to string around the small tank until the holidays were over and I was excited just plugging them in to make Phil look festive.

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