Chapter 1

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365 days since my heart broke, 1 year since the absolute worst day of my life.

I lay sprawled out in bed my legs hanging off the end as I watch the clock tick forward to 12 Am. it's officially the anniversary of the worst day of my life. A strand of my dark brown hair falls into my eyes and I attempt to blow it out of my eyes but fail miserably.

I groan and flip over onto my back looking up at my fan spinning around in continuous circles, a headache starts almost instantly at the thought of him.

On this day one year ago Logan Smith played with and used my heart for the last time, never again would I fall for it.. the lies the deception how someone could love you one day and deceive you the next. It was a game I had realised a game of who could break me first and he had done it. Quite well if I remember correctly.

// 1 Year Ago\\

January was always my favourite month since I was a child, the way the snow fell like small crystals melting as they made contact with skin.

Not anymore though, now it was hell as the cold would come, it would bring ice storms. Cars would get stuck power would go out. It wasn't beautiful and clear anymore.

Logan and I had just decided to move in together and were looking for our own apartment, it was our weekly 'chill night' during which we'd order in and pick either some cheesy or really scary movie to watch they were my favourite night of the week.

I opened my car door and grabbed the Chinese take out boxes and stacked  them on top of each other locking my car and heading for the front door.

During my years of high school I was the school outcast the loner geek who had barely any friends. Logan was the jock with all the popular click and his blond bimbo Jesse. It wasn't long before I changed my life and everything turned around I started working out and wearing makeup getting the attention of most guys.

Logan noticed me to and broke it off with Jesse during senior year. One night at the end of the game I was sitting alone in the stands and Logan had just finished playing when he called out to me and asked me on my first ever date. I said yes of course and then my life changed.

I unlocked the door and stepped inside shaking the snow off my books before pulling them off and padding into Logan's house heading for the kitchen. I stopped and listened when I heard people laughing. It sounded like a group of Logan's immature friends.

I rolled my eyes but didn't think anything of it, he had is friends over constantly always making fun of me or whatnot.

I was about to continue into the kitchen when I heard my name, "so Logan you're still going strong with Loren then? "  All the guys laughed at that.

Logan scoffed, "eh, it's fine I guess. How long should I keep the act up?  This wasn't supposed to go on for as long as it has" Logan said seeming irritated.

"Logan bro, this was your decision to keep this going, I thought you would have done it during prom by you chickened at the last second," one of Logan's friends said.

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