4. Love Me Harder(Fluff)

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P.S. This chapter contains Only fluff.

No smut..................yet.

It was a lovely Sunday morning when the bell of the apartment 201 rang, startling the calming atmosphere of the spring.

"Oh hey, how are you?", Zayn greeted Harry at his door with a light hug.

"Um, I am okay. How are you?" Harry asked him in a soft voice, just like Zayn did. Zayn didn't say anything, instead broke the hug and gestured him to enter the apartment which Harry did with a nod. 

The first thing Harry noticed about Zayn was, he was wearing a oversized hoodie with sweat pants just how he liked to wear on sundays. He looked cozy, much like home and Harry wanted to smile at the fact but he couldn't. He was still feeling a little bit guilty for what he was doing but according to him, there was no other way.

"Um, do you want some tea? I was making one for myself.", Zayn asked as he entered the kitchen. His eyes never meeting Harry's.

"Yeah, that'd be nice. But tw-" Harry yelled from the living room of their- Zayn's apartment but Zayn cut him in the midway.

"Two cubes of sugar and leave the tea bag in. I know Harry." And Harry could feel him rolling his eyes though Zayn's eyes were casted downwards. For anyone who didn't know him would think that Zayn was working on something but Harry knew him better than that. Better than anyone. He knew him enough to know that Zayn was trying not to meet his eyes. That he was avoiding him. And Harry couldn't blame him, he deserved that cold treatment from Zayn, his soon-to-be ex-husband.

It warmed his heart to know that Zayn still remembered his taste, even after these 9 years of them being together and 2 years of them not spending enough time. Even after when their marriage of 3 years became nothing but once a week shag for last one and a half years. And most probably, even after Harry telling Zayn that he had been seeing someone and to be with them officially, he needed a divorce. It was still a mystery to him that how Zayn didn't ask him anything but to send him the divorce papers whenever he wanted.

"Um, do you want to have lunch?", Harry's chain of thoughts broke by Zayn's voice. And even though Zayn didn't say it, Harry could still hear the 'with me' in the end.

"Yeah sure.",Harry said as he started walking towards previously their bedroom. He touched the smooth texture of the walls and smiled when he remembered how they painted it with their own hands and how they had a paint fight afterwards.

He walked into the bedroom and walked straight to his favourite place, the window. The room looked the straight as he left that night. He touched the curtains that he bought on Christmas for this apartment, their apartment that they had bought with their hard earned money.

He pushed aside the curtains, letting the sun rays enter the room, lighting it up just the way he liked. He walked back towards their bed and sat on it. It was still a bit hard but comfortable enough. He remembered Zayn's apologetic face when they first bought it and how he sounded so sad, apologizing to Harry for not being able to give him the life he deserved. He blushed when he remembered how he cheered his husband up by riding him hard on the mattress that night. Their wedding night.

He shook his head as if it would help him get rid of the memories. He frowned when he saw one of his own t-shirt tucked under the pillow he used to sleep. On the left side if the bed and his heart ached a little more.

He didn't know what forced him to open the drawer of their bedside table but when he did, he instantly blushed deep red. The new bottle of lube, that he had bought two weeks ago was there just as he had left it. He closes the top drawer and opened the 2nd one. He frowned when he saw a big envelope with beautiful Arabic designs on it.

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