The Dragons Greif

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You slowly approach the strange lady, who looked to be around the same age as you.. Her hair Flowing in the soft wind. You take a seat next to her, acting natural... "So.. Uh.. You Alright?" You ask, pupils looking at her.. she stays silent.. Still looking in her depressed state.. "Alright then.." you say, reaching into your pocket, to take out the half emptied Beer can. You might as well finish it before you headed home.. "That was her favourite brand..." the lady softly whimpers. You're confused, but know it's none of your business.. She'd obviously lost a loved one.. well, It was time for your horrible puns.. Maybe that would cheer her up.. "Hey, Lady.. what do you call a deer with no eyes?" She glances up, her hand covering her mouth as she used it to support her head... 2 seconds went by until you said "Exactly. NoEyeDeer." She looks less sad, more confused.. Then she got the joke She howls with laughter, like it was the first joke she had herd in years.. you chuckle softly with her as the night sky grew and the Rain begun to spit "M-My names Tohru!" She stutters, she clearly felt the slightest bit better.. "Mines Y/N." you say, smiling at Tohru. The Rain progressively grew stronger until it was like bullets..

"Hey, Wanna stay at my place until the rain passes? It's half a mile away from here.." you ask shyly.. obviously her answer would be no- "Alright! Sounds fun!" Tohru says.. You were shocked.. But, swiftly led her to your home.. the door clicked as you locked it behind the two of you... "so.. You wanna drink?" You question.. "Tea?" She responds.. "Coming right up.. Sitting rooms straight down the hall.. you say, speed walking ahead..." So.. You had a random Girl in the house.. at least she wasn't one of the crazy feminazi ones.. the rain taps against the window.. the kitchen had a little bar, so you could see her from where you were.. she would have hands pressed against the glass, sounding amazed.. Surprised in fact... You'd bring it to the table, laying hers opposite to yours... She would smile at you.. "Sir.." The lady says, looking down into her tea, as she held it's handle.. not lifting it off the table.. Oh god, something was wrong with the tea! You messed up your one chance of getting some puss- "Thank you.. For letting me in... You remind me of her.. Caring..." you would think that it was some anime cliché, since you were only on the 430 word mark and she'd already in your house and complimented you but.. The author is trying to speed things up here so that people will continue reading! "Who is this.. Her? She? If you don't mind telling me.." your curious mindset wondered..
Tohru sighs, "Well.. I.. Am... Used to.. S-Sort of am A Maid.. My old master was kind, caring.. She treated me like her own child.. she passed away over 100 years ago.." you spit out your tea, onto the carpet "100 Years!? How old are you!?" You are.. very shocked.. Scared even... "1567.." Tohru awnsers.. "I'm.. Uh.. Promise not to tell anyone?" You nod.. a Long, green reptilian tale comes from under her dress, Two wings, Dragon Wings.. would flutter.. "So.. You're saying.. You're Leafy!? Wait! Let me check that chin of yours!" She would tilt her head again.. "It's.. an inside joke..." she giggles, "I guesses that!" She says cheerfully.. "Now.. Uh.. The big question is.. Erm.. Can I.. Be your M-Maid?" She asks nervously... you blush.. then shout "FUCK YES!" Raising your arms into the air.. "wait.. Payment required?" You asks. She shakes her head..

To be Continued.

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