The Dragons Rage

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Shortly after you woke up, you felt your sweat, sticking your skin to the sheets like some sort of glue.. The Sun Would beat down through a partially open window.. You slowly turn your body.. Yet Tohru Was gone. She had some how managed to get out of bed, without waking you.. The birds twittered as you sat up, legs dangling on the side of your bed.. Immediately, you reached for the fan, swiftly switching it on.. The wind blew against your sticky chest, as you reached for a shirt.. You hear a faint knocking on your door.. You put on the clothing as you wander towards the oak door.. You open it at a normal pace.. Tohru would be in her underwear, Wearing a pale, Lime Green shirt with a Four leaf clover on the right side, around where her nipple should've been... "M-Master, Is it ok if I don't wear my uniform today? It's terribly hot..." she would moan, You saw the sweat due to the sun reflecting on her cheeks.. "Alright.. I'm fine with it.." You say, as she nods, looking happier then she was at the beginning of the morning...

Around when Noon struck, Tohru knocked on your door again.. You would be in the middle of playing Little Nightmares on your *PC or Xbox One or PS4* "Come In!" You shout, continuing to sprint away from the beasts of the Maw. She'd enter, sitting herself next to you.. "I see you're into computer games!" She would say, peering at the screen.. "Yes, I am.." you respond, not even glancing up at her.. The Janitor would Strike at Six, The desperate Little Girl took a leap of faith onto the Crooked Piano.. "Who's that?" Tohru questioned, pointing her finger at the old man.. "That is the Janitor, an Inheritor of The Maw. He takes care of the Children, despite him being blind. His Slender, Long arms give him an advantage, but he Relies on only two of the five senses.. Keep the noise down and stay near things that would usually smell rather foul.." Tohru looks a hell of a lot confused.. But.. She nods reassuringly.. Continuing to spy on Six's Adventure... 15 minutes later, Tohru asks you softly "Master, May I have a go?" You could not RESIST Those puppy eyes she was making.. You simply nod and pass her the *Controller or Laptop or Mouse and keyboard* you would have just arrived in the library, so you would be at a tricky part.. Six crouched and swiftly moved along the planks.. The Janitor was aware of her presence, so he would
Be searching.. Suddenly, Six falls of the edge, Right onto his Back! The Janitor lets out a roar, as Tohru screams in panic, flailing and pressing all of the buttons.. She would start to create a fire, with her mouth.. Letting it out on an open window.. "TOHRU! CALM DOWN! IT'S A GAME!" Tohru's breathe became heavy.. "No! That game fucking sucks! It's Shit! I hate it-" she would continue to rant and curse a hell of a lot of times.. She was.. Cute yet scary...You liked it.. Just Like Six...

To Be Continued..

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