Why The Night Is Dark

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"What the fuck are you doing?"

I pull myself from my dream and swing myself up in my bed. I can't tell if it is my mother or father yelling, but either way it isn't a good sign.

Rubbing my eyes, I find my mother above me with her hands on her hips. Her hair is pulled in a loose bun and she has a slutty black dress on. One of the straps has fallen off her shoulder. I guess you could consider her pretty. She had wavy brown hair and light green eyes. Her skin is fair and she is skinny with long legs. But behind that beauty hides a monster. She's like a wolf in a sheep's clothing.

"I told you to be ready at eight fucking thirty. Why aren't you dressed? Do you want me to hit you? Get up and get fucking dressed."

I rub my eyes and nod. She leaves my room mumbling and I finally stand. Pulling off my shorts, I tug on a red skirt that hugs me tightly. I pull off my t-shirt and grab a crop top that enlarges my breasts. I slip on some plain black heels and put on eyeliner and mascara. Finally, I pull a brush through my long brown curls, pulling them up into a high ponytail.

Staring at my reflection in the mirror, I feel numb. I know that I'm pretty. I have long legs and fair skin. I'm skinny and have large breasts. My eyes are bright blue and my hair cascades down my back. My lips are plump and pink, and my eyes are wide and clear. Despite this, I can't see it. I feel like my vision is distorted. I see scars and blood. I see the foul things I have done with men. I see the taunting and abuse my parents give me. I see no more beauty.

Sighing, I turn and head down the stairs. In the living room, I find my father passed out on the couch. He reeks of vodka, and his clothes are filthy. But, better that he is passed out than awake and hitting me.

I walk to our "office", even though it isn't used the way other people's are used. Inside, I find my mother talking to a man who's face I can't see.

"Darling!" She calls to me, hugging me softly. Despite her mirage, I'm sure he knows how she really acts. She turns back to him. "So, do we have a deal?"

He looks over me, scanning my body. He isn't bad looking, but I'm sure he's just like the others. Abusive and cruel, taking advantage of someone who can't fight back.

"She'll do."

"Excellent. Ali, you know what to do." I do know what to do.

Grabbing his hand, I drag him out of the room. I pull him down the hall towards the "guest bedroom".

I guess I won't get anymore sleep tonight.

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