At The End of The Day

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I pack my bag quickly, grabbing everything I could find useful. Phone, moms credit card, laptop. I try to keep my clothes light, not wanting to have to haul around too much.

Once I have everything, I realize I have no way to get out. My mom is waiting downstairs. Then I realize, mom and dad's bedroom! They have a window right above the garage. I can climb out and jump on top of the car and climb down.

Walking as quietly as possible, I make my way to their room. When I open the door, it creaks slightly, and I pause. When my mother doesn't come up the stairs yelling, I continue my mission.

I pull open the window softly and look out. It isn't too far of a drop from the roof to the car. But, I can't take my bag on my back. Spotting a bush, I chuck my bag onto it and hope I didn't break anything. Carefully, I pull myself up to the window and stick one foot on the roof. Once I'm balanced, I stick out the other foot. I hold on to the window ledge until I'm sure I'm not going to die.

"Ali! Hurry up!" My moms voice echoes through my brain as I slowly crawl my way down the slanted garage roof to the edge.

Here comes the hard part. I can't think, or I won't want to jump. I prepare myself for the jump and impact, and before I can think about what I'm doing, I jump onto our car. I roll off and land on my back, getting the air knocked out of me. Trying to suck in as much air as I can, I gasp like a dying fish.

Once I can breathe, I test my limbs. Everything seems to be working, just a few aches and probably some bruises in the future. I stand and listen for any sound of my parents.

Staying out of the outside light, I go and retrieve my bag from the bush. I check my laptop and phone, and miraculously neither are broken. Pulling the bag with me, I start jogging down the street away from my childhood home.

I can't believe I am doing this! I haven't left that house in so long, and I'm finally free! No more abuse, no more neglect, and definitely no more sex.

I continue down the street and make it to a main road. Turning left, I go towards the bright lights of the busy city. I stop jogging when I realize I have a long ways to go. Walking along the side of the road, a car drives by.

Suddenly, I realize there is an easier way to get to the city. Stopping, I stick my thumb out and face the road.

The first few cars that pass me don't even look my way. One car even sped up! Finally, a minivan looking car pulls over. The window opens and a tired looking woman looks out at me.

"Hi honey, do you need a ride somewhere?" She smiles at me. I nod my head and she unlocks the passenger side door. "What's your name, hon?"

"Ali." I plug in the seatbelt and rest my bag on my lap.

"My name's Carol. I saw you standing there and I just couldn't leave you there. I have children of my own and I couldn't bear someone leaving them in the middle of nowhere." She turns and looks behind her and I follow her lead. In the back, there are two kids sleeping. One looks about five, while the other can't be more than one. "That's Sarah and George."

"Thank you ma'am." I fold my hands in my lap, trying not to look her in the eye.

"Where are you going?" She looks kind, and smiles at me again.

"The city."

"All right, hon. Here we go." She starts the car and pulls away from the curb.

Now, we are off to the city.

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