The Motor Keeps Running

36 3 7

I tug at the handcuffs on my wrists, scowling as they pinch too tightly. He attached them above my head to some sort of hoop that seems to be specifically for handcuffs.

"Are you really that much of a dick?" I ask him, glaring at the back of his head.

"What?" He glances back at me through the review view mirror.

"The door is locked. I don't need to be handcuffed. This is just freaking uncomfortable."

"I warned you. You could have just came peacefully." He smirks at me. "It's your own fucking fault."

I tried to stare him down. My arms have started to get numb, and I am not really happy with him.

"Do you always kidnap people and lock them in the back of your car? Or have you just taken a particular liking to me?"

"A particular liking?" He laughs, but it is cold and taunting. "You wish, I would be much nicer if I liked you. You were in the wrong fucking place at the wrong fucking time."

"Can you stop saying that word?" I gaze around the car, trying to see if there was any way to free my hands.

"What word?" He looks confused, but has a slight curve to the corner of his lip.

"You know, the that that starts with an F? The bad one?"

He starts laughing loudly, extremely amused at me. I don't understand why he thought it was so funny, I'm sure his mother didn't appreciate that language.

"Stop laughing! It isn't funny!"

"You're right. It's fucking hilarious. You do realize who I am right? I don't listen to people like you, I do whatever the fuck I want. Including speaking however the fuck I want. And if that means fucking swearing, I'm going to fucking do it." He looks back at me, his eyes getting a cold and dark look to them. "Should I cover your mouth as well?"

"No, I just think that it's unnecessary. If you are really as scary as you think you are, you shouldn't have to use your words to terrify people. So you must not be that scary."

"Shut the fuck up. If you don't, I can always start removing layers of your clothing. And I will leave the handcuffs on, too. Is that better than gagging you?"

"Oh, that's classy. Are you so smooth that the only way to get a girl naked is by force while she's handcuffed? Cause if that's so, then your mother must be real proud."

I can see his jaw tightening and suddenly he pulls to the side of the road. Crap.

He flings his seatbelt off of him and slams the door as he get out of the car. As he comes around the car to my side, I can see him pulling out a knife from his pocket. Oh god, he's gonna kill me.

My breathe comes in pants as I start yanking on my hands, praying that they come loose. Instead, he yanks open the door with a face that looks like it's made of steel.

This is it. I am gonna die.

I close my eyes, refusing to let him see me afraid. Squeezing them shut, I prepare for the cold metal on my skin. Instead I hear his breathe by my ear.

"I warned you."

I gasp as I feel the blade on my hip, cool and dangerous. Suddenly it moves, but instead of going into my flesh, it pulls at my jeans. It tears down the side, and when he's done he yanks them from under me.

"Hey!" I open my eyes and watch as he throws them to the front.

"Silence." He crouches on the outside of the car, looking even scarier than when he first snatched me. "Now, shut your mouth before this knife goes in your fucking stomach."

I gasp, appalled by his sudden aggression. "You can't just leave me here in my underwear and t-shirt! It's too cold!" My shirt is thin and is pretty snug on my body. I took off my jacket in the alleyway, and without my jeans I had nothing for real warmth.

"You should have thought of that when I told you to shut the fuck up." He slides the dull side of the blade down my leg.

"It isn't my fault, it's yours for being a dick. Leave me alone and stop touching me, you jerk!"

"Tsk tsk, you don't learn very quickly. What should I take next?" I try to squirm away from him, but don't get very far because of the handcuffs.

He grabs me by my t-shirt, dragging me closer to him. He looks pretty pissed, but that could also be his resting face. He slides his arm up my shirt with his knife in his hand. Suddenly, he slices my bra and starts pulling it off me.

"Are you gonna shut the fuck up now?" I turn my head away from him, ignoring his question. "Thank fuck."

He still seems angry, slamming the my door. He sits back in the driving seat and starts the car. No wonder people were scared of him, he was scary and not to be messed with.

I hate him.

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