So Many Lights

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Once we make it to the city, the woman drops me off at a Starbucks.

"Do you need any money to get home?" She asks.

"No thank you." I smile and close the door.

"Alright, well, be safe." She waves at me and pulls away, leaving me in the glow of the city.

I don't really know where I am going, but I start walking anyways. Hopefully I can find a hotel or something to stay at. As I walk, I gaze at the colorful billboards and bright lights. I haven't been in the city since I was much younger, and the ads are fascinating. I see one ad for a new car, and another for some kind of fancy chocolate.

Finally, after walking for about twenty minutes, I find a hotel. Walking in, I am thankful for the warmth. It wasn't very cold outside, just enough for my fingers to turn red. I walk to the register area, pulling the card from my pocket.

"Hello ma'am. What can I do for you?" The woman has a fake smile on, but I can still tell she is judging me. She has fake manicured nails on, that she taps against the counter.

"I need a room." I set the card in front of me on the counter. She picks it up and starts to examine it.

"I'm sorry, but I can't give you a room without a parent. Do you have a parent?" She looks almost condescending, holding my card and watching me freeze.

"Umm..." I hadn't thought this far ahead, and I hadn't thought she would ask about my parents.

"Tsk... Well, I can't give you a room without parents. Also, since this is your parents card, I'm gonna have to hold on to it." She starts to put it in a drawer when her words finally sink in to me.

"Wait! No! I need that card. My parents will be very angry if you take it. I could get in huge trouble. They just wanted me to get a room for us while they picked up something for us to eat. Please, if you give me back my card, I can take it to my parents and come back."

She contemplates my words, and finally pulls the card back out. "Alright, you can take this to your parents and come back. Just let them know that they have to be there to get the room, alright?"

"Thank you so much ma'am. I will be sure to tell them." I nearly sprint out of the hotel, holding my things close to me.

I keep walking away from the hotel, down streets I don't know and past buildings I don't recognize. Soon, I'm completely lost, not even in the bright lights of the city. I find myself in an alley behind some kind of clothing store.

Hoping for some kind of peace and quiet, I curl up and pull some of my clothes over myself. Suddenly, I hear arguing nearby. It sounds like two men, but I don't recognize their voices. I clamber to my feet and shove my things back in my bag.

"Where is my damn money?" One man calls out. It's dark and hard to see, but I can make out the outline of a gun in his hand.

"I don't know. I swear I had it. It just disappeared." The other man sounds terrified.

The first man laughs cruelly. "That sounds about right. Well how about this, you give me my money in five seconds or I shoot you?"

The second man gasps. "I don't have it! Please, I can get it to you later!"


The man starts begging him, pleading for more time.


He drops to his knees.


The man begins to sob.


He collapses at the first mans feet.

"One." A bullet echoes through the alley, ringing in my ears. "Damn, I was starting to not hate him."

At this point, I realize the vulnerable position I am in with him blocking my freedom. Silently, I back away towards the corner, trying not to make a sounds. Then, of course, I kick a bottle.

It rolls around behind me, making that dreaded sound that was gonna end me.

"Who the fuck is out there?" His voice echoed in my chest, making me shiver. "If you come out now, I promise not to shoot you right away."

Taking in a deep breathe, I make a decision. I will die on my own terms. This man doesn't scare me, he can't do anything worse than what my parents did. I refuse to be afraid of him, and I won't show him any fear.

I walk out from the shadows and stand in front of him. I keep my chin high, staring into his eyes.

"What do we have here? What's a pretty thing like you doing in a place like this?" His voice is taunting, begging for me to comment.

"If I'm pretty, than that definitely means I'm out of your league." He smirks at me, and men that I hadn't noticed before laugh behind him.

"Look at that, she has a little bite. Well, little cagnolina, it seems you've stumbled on something you shouldn't have. Witnesses are no good. Sorry, but you're coming with us." He smirks and moves towards me.

"What? No! I refuse." I cross my arms across my chest and take a step back.

He laughs loudly. "You refuse? Nice try." He lunges towards me, grabbing my waist and throwing me over his shoulder. "Clean up this fucking mess. I'm taking her with me. Grab her things when you come."

I punch his back, squirming and kicking as hard as I can. He sighs. "You can either stop and come with me peacefully, or I can handcuff you and take you forcefully."

I stop moving and he continues carrying me to a car. "Good girl." When we finally get to his car, he sets me down to open the door. Once I am in my feet, I swing my leg and kick him right in the nuts.

He lets out a breathe, giving me a chance to turn and dash. Before I can get more than a few steps, though, his hands wrap around my waist pulling me to him.

He puts his lips to my ear. "That was a bad decision, cagnolina."

Suddenly, I can feel handcuffs being locked on my wrists.

What have I gotten myself into?

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