Why Do You Hate Me

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"What the fuck?" I glare at my father. "Why would I do that? I have to get fucking married?"

"Xavier, calm down. Let me explain." He comes to my desk and sits in a chair. "This has been a tradition for a long time. I did it, your grandfather did it, and your great grandfather did it."

"That's fucking stupid," I mutter under my breath.

"There is a good reason for this tradition. We've learned that without someone to support you, you'll crumble. A wife will be there for when your upset and will be your rock. You will have a better life if you get married. Besides that, you need to have children to take over after you in the future. The sooner, the better."

"I don't want children now! And besides, how the hell am I supposed to meet someone? I barely see women as it is, and when I do they're prostitutes!" I continue to glare at him, still unimpressed by this decision.

"That doesn't matter to me. I don't care how you find her, you just have to find her." He smirks and stands up. He heads to the door while I stare daggers into his back. "Oh, and don't think you can just marry some random girl to get out of it. I will be checking your girl to make sure it is legit."

He finally leaves, closing the door behind him. I slam my hands on my desk and then stand.

I can't believe this ridiculous tradition. I'm gonna get stuck with some woman who I don't want. I was always taught to not have emotions, how is that gonna help now?!

Besides that, how the hell am I gonna meet a girl to marry? I almost never see women at work. When I go out, there are plenty of women at clubs, but they all want quick hookups. Not that I mind.

Plus, I have to find a girl who won't be completely terrified by me and my job. I know I'm intimidating. When I walk in a room, people look like they're gonna pee themselves. Any woman I meet is gonna be terrified of this world.

I hear a knock at the door. I hope it isn't my father again, or I might punch him in the face.

I sigh. "Come in."

When the door opens, I find my mother smiling at me. "Hi honey. Your father told you?"

"Yes." I scowl to myself. She comes in front of me and holds her arms out.

"Come give me a hug." Reluctantly, I let her pull me into her arms. It has been a while since I've let my mother hug me like this. "I promise it isn't going to be as bad as you think."

I laugh. "Really? I have to find a girl who won't be terrified of me, to have my children, and get stuck in the mafia. Piece of cake, why am I complaining?"

She frowns at me. "Don't talk to me like that. I am your mother"

"I know, I'm sorry. I just can't believe this fucking madness."


"Sorry." I sit back in my chair and prop my head in my hands. My mother sits on the other side of the desk.

"Oh honey, I'm sorry. I want you to be happy though, and a wife could help you with that. I really do think it is for the best." She stands and heads towards the door. "I'm gonna give you some time alone. I love you."

"I love you, too."

How the hell am I going to do this?

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