What Happened This Time

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"Xavier, we have a problem."

I scowl, look up, and furrow my brow. "What did you do now?"

"It's the damn Russians."

"Fuck." We have been trying to get an alliance with them for years. Every time we get close, they demand some new and ridiculous request. "What do they want now?"

"Guns." Derek scowls. "A lot of them."

"Did you talk to my father?" I lean back in my chair and glare at him.

"Yeah. He said you should make the decision."

"How many guns do they want?"

"Five thousand."

"Fuck." I cross my arms on my chest and lean back even more. We have to do something, we have been working too hard for this alliance.

Derek watches me think, waiting stiffly for my solution.

"Offer them half of that. Tell them its half or no deal."

He nods and walks out of the room.

I can't believe the fucking Russian. We have been extremely lenient, and haven't touched their men. But I wanted to, oh how I wanted to. I wanted to rip their boss in half. Asshole.

I go back to working on my paperwork. I have to keep my men working and train more. I also have a drug shipment coming in. After that, I have to sign off on some new prostitutes. Besides that, I have to deal with some off the idiotic gangs nearby that think they can come into my territory.

I hear the door open but don't look up, hoping that if I ignore them they will go away.

"Son." Fuck.

"What do you need?" I don't look up still, hoping he understands that I'm busy.

"We need to talk. Now." He uses his stern business voice, meaning he isn't kidding around. I sigh and put my pen down, crossing my arms and leaning back.

"What do you want to talk to me about?" I frown slightly, hoping he can't sense the hate radiating out of my body.

"You have been doing very well that last year, and I think it is almost time I go into retirement with your mother."

I almost gasp I am so surprised. He always said he was gonna do that, but I never thought he would be able to. He was always controlling of his business, and even letting me start making decisions to train had been hard for him.

"How soon?" I ask, keeping my jaw frozen and my face blank.

"Soon. I want to be completely sure you are ready to take over after me." He stares at me, with a hint of almost regret in his eyes. But before I can decide, he becomes neutral again. "But, there is one more thing you need to do before I can pass off the business to you.

I roll my eyes. "What?"

"You need to get married."


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