Endless days..

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I was stuck. The day wasn't ending. I had been stuck at 12:30 am. The clocks wouldn't change. Every single one of them were suck at 12:30 am. But I guess it could be a good thing. I mean. It's midday so that means I can eat? Now that I think about it, it's the stupidest thing I've ever said. This is one of the worst things to happen ever. My body will have to a just to sleeping in the daylight. The sun will forever be beating down on me. The days won't stop. I'll grow old and I'll never know what year it is.

I go looking for people. I find none. Whilst looking for them I keep looking at the clocks. The time still said 12:30. I can't even decipher if I'm just dreaming or in my own personal hell. I'm hoping for the first option. Just to make sure I pinch myself. Turns out it's my own personal hell. " is this some kind of joke?! You can come out now!" I yell to no one in particular. After looking for any cameras and finding none, I sit on the curb and feel the familiar stinging in my eyes warning me that I'm going to cry. So I sat there and let the tears fall. Hoping that one day soon, I'll be outta this hell hole.

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