The Box

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There was this box. It was beautiful. I had seen many of mothers boxes but none like this. We were going through mothers things that evening after she died. Father insisted we go through her things. He wanted me to have things of hers.  In all honesty, I want to keep everything of hers. I was very close with Mother. She was an only child like I was. Father wanted more kids but Mother physically couldn't. She had Low ovarian reserve. Which means I was a miracle. Oh, no that's not why she died. Father said she was hit by a car. I feel like he's lying. I'm not sure how I know but I do. I snapped out of my thoughts when I heard father clicking his fingers in front of my face. "Whatcha got there kiddo?" he asked. "I'm not sure," I replied. "Open it". And I did as I was told. As soon as I saw whats inside I gasped. It was a gorgeous silver tiara with clear crystals. I looked over at father. He looked at it in awe. His face looked as if he was seeing an old friend. "Do you know why mother had this?" I asked. "Come sit down. We've a lot to talk about"

My mouth dropped. "w-were what?" I stood there stunned. "Your mother was Queen and I'm King. All those business trips. they were us sorting out treaties." He looked at me with anguish. "Why did you never tell me! 18 years and you never thought to tell me 'hey you're the princess'?! This is huge! You don't keep these things from people. Especially your own daughter. What were you guys thinking?!" "Look. Sit down. Breathe. I'll explain it all when we move into the palace. " He said as if he was fed up. "No. Tell. Me. Now." I breathed out. " Fine. Sit" So I sat. "Look you're when your mother fell pregnant with you,  we were filled with joy. We thought it would be best if we raised you like a normal kid. And we thought it would keep you safe." He finished off. "Safe from what?" I asked calmly. "The assassins. With every king and every queen, there are assassins. " "So now what?" I questioned. "We introduce you to the world and get you trained to be queen"


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