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It was the way we looked that makes us blend in. I'm surprised no one thought it was me. I was in high school. Again. Reliving hell. It's been 3 years since little year 9 Taylor's 'body' was found. it was me. I got taken by The Company to help kill other assassins, Drug Lords, Murderers, Rapists. Any of that stuff. So here I am dressed in an uncomfortable uniform, and being the new girl. Not my forte. The only reason I'm in this hellhole is because some stupid kid has decided to sell drugs for Mr Boss. How lovely. Imagine telling your parents.. 'Hey mum and dad. Just going out to deal some drugs. I'll see you later!' Not a conversation I would have. So here I am ignoring everyone with my headphones in, but also keeping my eyes out for something sketchy. I'm getting loads of double takes and stares. Ignoring it all, I keep walking to where ill meet my 'brother' Abe. No, he's not really my brother. he's my partner and not in that way either. I had a few people say hi. But my favourite part of being the new kid is the "She looks like that girl who died 3 years ago. "Do you think it's her?" "No! Are you dumb? She's dead. Dead girls don't rise from the dead and walk around! " I couldn't help but laugh. 

 My appearance has changed over the last 3 years. My auburn hair is now platinum blonde and my glasses gone. I now wear contacts. But still needing glasses. My figure has changed drastically during those 3 years. No longer being that fat girl. My stomach becoming much flatter, my thighs smaller and stronger. But this stupid uniform hiding my new body. So here I am walking into my first class of the day. English. As soon as I walk in my eyes meet very familiar ones.

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