In the summer time.

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I was meant to be like every other 17 year old girl. Having a party on my birthday, getting dunk, having fun. Oh boy was I wrong. It was summer when I turned 17. So we went to a party held just for me. The day of my birthday, my mother and I went to go but food. Mother got a phone call. She answered and he face went white. Her eyes watered and she looked like the life had been sucked out of her. She bid them goodbye and looked at me. "Father has been taken. Your brother is fine but they cannot find your father." I felt the blood rush from my face. I feel light headed. I couldn't think. I couldn't breathe. The walls were closing in on me. My Vision blurred. I felt a hand gripping my own. I looked down at my hand and saw my mothers. "We've got to get home now honey." She said. I nodded. Not being confident enough to speak otherwise the contents of my stomach might come rushing up.

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