therapy 003

381 32 7

"tyler," dr.greyson starts with a smile, "how have you been?"

tyler looks to him and then back to the window, the blinds are closed and it leaves him feeling cold inside and out.

"can you open the blinds?"

dr.greyson sighs and taps the desk with his fingers. tyler can feel the thuds on the wood as if the fingers were tapping his bones.

"i think during our sessions it would be best if it were just you and i, and we leave them private from josh just like we do with everyone else."

tyler tears his gaze from the blocked window and looks intently to dr.greyson's tapping fingers.

"tyler, you never answered my question," his finger tapping stops and tyler longs for something to make the room feel less quiet.

"what was the question?'

"how have you been?"

tyler lets out a deep breath and rubs the tops of his thighs with his hands, "distracted."

"how so?"

"I can't focus on anything, my mind always wanders and i space out."

"how often has this been happening?"

"all the time."

the only sound is dr.greyson's ballpoint pen scratching against the notepad sitting on his desk. tyler imagines the yellow pages lifting by themselves and flying as a bird does in circles above his head. tyler looks to his left at the bookshelf and books fall from their place and catch themselves before they hit the ground, flapping into a tornado around his seat.


tyler's gaze snaps to dr.greyson and then to the bookshelf, all of the books in their rightful place.


tyler looks to dr.greyson again.

"what just happened?" dr.greyson asks.

"your books were flying,"


"like birds."

there is a moment of silence and the clock ticks loudly in tyler's head. he feels himself blink in time with the clock and his head aches.

"has this type of thing happened before?"

tyler looks to the clock and then back to the bookshelf.



"has this type of thing happened before?"

"i can't remember. maybe?"

dr.greyson resumes scratching on the notepad and words appear on the yellow pages.

tyler taps his fingers on his knees, his left leg bouncing restlessly.

"can you open the blinds?"

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