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tyler closes his locker softly before turning and walking down the hallway to the exit.
he reaches his his arms behind himself and pulls the soft cotton of his hood over his head.
the sound of the door opening echoes in his ears as the wind blows in his face.
a deep exhale as he shoves his hands in his pockets and follows the narrow cement path to the sidewalk in the direction of his house.

"tyler!" came a voice from behind him and fast paced footsteps. tyler feels every step in his bones and lets out a sigh.
"hey," jack smiles and bumps his should with tyler's. tyler takes a step to the side and looks to the ground.


"you weren't in math today, how come?"

"i couldn't focus."

jack raises a brow but shrugs and continues walking.
"you know, you live kinda far from the school, why don't you ride the bus?"

"i'm afraid of riding in cars."

jack's eyes widen and his head turns to tyler.
"oh my god, i'm so sorry. i shouldn't have-i didn't realize-"

"it's fine."

the rest of the walk was silent until they arrived in front of the foot path leading to tyler's front door.
"i'll see you tomorrow right?" jack asked.

"sure," tyler said quietly before walking up to the door.

jack watches him walk inside with a smile on his face and a wave.
once the door closes he face palms hard enough to leave a red mark.
"stupid idiot, of course he doesn't ride the bus. stupid stupid stupid." he mutters walking home

tyler sighs from his spot at the window.
"what do i do josh?" he mutters, shifting his gaze from the retreating figure to the clouds.

"i can't just do that, he so nice. he's only trying to help."

tyler nods with a sigh, "i know. i know."

SKY BOY ; JOSHLERWhere stories live. Discover now