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((unedited as always))

"are you feeling better?" jack asked on the walk home. tyler had done his best to avoid him, really he did, but the boy always seems to be there.

tyler shrugs. he doesn't really feel any different, except maybe less dizzy, but he wasn't about to tell jack about one of his many health concerns.

jack sighed, "tyler please, just give me a chance. it's been like two months since josh died. i'm not asking you to jump straight in and date me but at least open up a little. let me be friends with you."

tyler stopped walking, the sound of his footsteps stopping along with jack's a few steps later.

"he can hear you, you know. i don't think my boyfriend would appreciate you initiating something like this."

"what like he's watching over you from heaven or something? come on ty you can't really believe that! besides, wouldn't he want you to be happy?"

"i am happy! with him jack, not you."

"he's dead tyler!"

tyler steps forward, an accusing finger jabbing directly in the center of jack's chest "he is not!"

dark clouds gather over head, despite the nice weather only moments ago. the sky darkens, but jack pays no mind.

jack grabs tyler's wrist, his fingers wrapping tightly around the bone and thunder cracks from above them. wind roars from between trees and they bend with the force of the howling air.

"i'm trying to help you!" jack yells over the volume of the wind and thunder. his hair whips around his head but nothing compares to the hurricane in his eyes.
"let me help you tyler!"

"i don't need your help!" tyler yells, attempting to pull his hand from jack's grip, but the boy just holds tighter.

in an instant jacks other hand is holding tyler's cheek and his lips are pressing against ones that aren't his to kiss.
thunder sounds louder than ever before and lightning connects between the clouds.

tyler's eyes widen and with all his strength he pushes jack away.
lightning flashes again as jack stumbles back. tyler looks up to the sky in worry before he takes off, his feet pounding loudly, but even so, the sound is barely audible under the thunder.

he keeps running.

his eyes water at the wind and the shattering in his chest as he runs home.
"josh!" he calls still running, "please! it wasn't me, you have to know that! you saw the whole thing!"
the wind continues to blow and tyler stops, stands frozen in his driveway, tears streaming and eyes wide as his hair blows wildly around him.

"please josh, i don't-i don't understand! are you mad at me? i can't understand what your saying!" tyler cries as more lightning flashes. he lifts his hands to his ears as the wind becomes impossibly louder, and he clamps his eyes shut as more water is forced between the lids.
tyler runs inside his house and scrambles up the steps as his worst fear becomes more and more real.

he tumbles into the bathroom and collapses to the tile floor, his vision blurred from the tears.
thunder can be heard from outside and he covers his ears again, his eyes flitting around the all white bathroom as if he's looking for an off switch.

"why can't i understand? please josh! help me understand!" he cries, and the thunder cracks become closer together.

"i can't-i can't" tyler whimpers, shaking his head.
his breathing becomes heavy as he digs through the cabinet under the sink, thanking God as he finds his new prescription.

"no more bees, no more bees," he chants like a prayer, emptying a handful of the pills into his palm.

he tips his head back and swallows them all at once, the heaviness on his tongue slowly dissipating down his throat.

the thunder is so loud it sounds like it's in the small bathroom with him and he slumps against the wall. his hand accidentally knocks the orange bottle onto its side and pills scatter across the tiles.
tyler shakily reaches a hand to pick them up, but his fingers tingle and won't function.

"j-josh," tyler gasps and somewhat slurs as his eye lids droop. it feels as if it's only been a moment but a half hour must have passed already.
"no more bees josh," tyler's lips are going numb and he hasn't been able to feel his legs for at least ten minutes.
"my sky boy, save me a spot in the stars okay?" each word is an extreme effort and tyler let's his eyes close.

thunder booms from outside as a shaky breath leaves tyler's lips, his lungs emptying themselves for the final time. the thudding heart beat in his ears that was rapid only minutes ago slows to a stop.

and it rains.

SKY BOY ; JOSHLERWhere stories live. Discover now