Amnesia: Kidnapped By Yandere Toma X Female Reader: Part 4

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We arrived soon at Toma's apartment building. I had only ever met him outside his place but never been inside since he moved closer to the University. Toma tried to help me out of the car,

 "Wait there, Sweetheart! I will help you out" he said, quickly getting out and was opening the door. 

 "I'm fine, Toma!" I exclaimed, "You don't need to do everything for me. I can do it myself" I refused his assistance feeling already like a burden.

Toma frowned heavily as he stood waiting for me. However, when I got out of the car, I winced, feeling the bruising on my back ache painfully. Immediately, Toma was there to lend his assistance.

 "You don't need to be brave around me" he said, helping me out, "Let me do this!" he asked with concern in his eyes, making it impossible for me to say no.

 I grimaced when I used my stomach muscles, but he lent me his hand for support. The bruises and cuts hurt constantly, reminding me how lucky I was that Toma had turned up to save me when he did, or else things could have been so much worse.

I felt incredibly nervous as we made our way to his door as he carried the large suitcase that contained all my things in silence. I wondered curiously what he had brought from my place as I followed him. We arrived and I waited timidly for him to open the door, he smiled at me softly and invited me inside. Stepping into the room, I didnt know what to do next. Toma broke the tension first,

"Sorry for forcing you to come here. I am just worried", Toma said guiding me to the living space with a gentle hand against the small of my back, "You haven't been here before have you? Make yourself at home and treat it like your own place from now on", he said warmly,

He was watching me as I looked inquisitively around the room which served as bedroom and lounge area with a dining space on the floor. I looked around at the bedroom/living room space that reflected his personality perfectly. It smelt just like Toma; Warm Vanilla cookies, which always reminded me of our childhood at the cabin by the lake, relaxing and enjoying the calm serenity eating cookies and milk.

" I think its really nice and cosy here" I smiled at him, "Thank you for looking after me, always" 

Toma looked flushed, quickly putting down the suitcase, he showed me the kitchen and bathroom distractedly.

"So, it's not like you are going to get lost in here. That's everything" Toma said awkwardly, "If you want to go out, let me know. It's dangerous by yourself", he said simply, as I remained quiet absorbing everything.

 I wandered over to a large shelving unit stacked with games and books. All of a sudden, I felt Toma wrap his arms around my waist drawing me to him. I stiffened, my heart racing like a hummingbird from being so close to him. His warm body blanketed my back as I stood with a shy blush on my cheek.

"Toma? Whats gotten into you?", I whispered taken aback as he never did this, shocked when I could sense him smell my hair,

"Shh, just let me hold you. I have been wanting to do this for a long time", he said softly, laying his cheek on top of my head, as he tightened his embrace, "You have no idea how worried I was seeing you all beaten and broken. I never want to see you harmed again", he said, as I could hear the concern in his voice.

I felt my mouth become dry with nerves from being pressed close to his hot body,

"Uh, Toma? There is just one bed. Where will I sleep?", I asked cautiously trying not to think about his hips pressing up to me.

The idea of sharing a bed with my crush was nerve wracking. Toma pulled away from me chuckling.

"Oh don't worry about that now. We will figure something out", he smiled playfully, stroking my hair, "Feel free to read anything or play any games whilst you are here. I am going to cook some dinner for us", he said,

Amnesia: Kidnapped By Yandere Toma X Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now