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jun.hui: baby
jun.hui: baaaby
jun.hui: i'm sorry my friends suck but don't ignore me
jun.hui: ):
jun.hui: love me

wxnwoo: i do

jun.hui: WHAT

wxnwoo: as a friend tho
wxnwoo: sry i'm straight

jun.hui: mhm

wxnwoo: :/

jun.hui: ANYWAYS
jun.hui: the big uh
jun.hui: the big day is coming up soon ;)

wxnwoo: yes

jun.hui: so

wxnwoo: it is

jun.hui: so
jun.hui: what do you have planned for us to do?

wxnwoo: we caaaan
wxnwoo: go rollerskating
wxnwoo: go see a movie
wxnwoo: go out for dinner

jun.hui: aren't those all ideas for dates

wxnwoo: shhhh let me finish
wxnwoo: there's this AMAZING ice cream place we can go to
wxnwoo: you can meet my friends if you want
wxnwoo: even though some of them suck

jun.hui: lmao it's ok
jun.hui: my friends suck too, as you've seen

wxnwoo: yeah that xu8 guy was really salty

jun.hui: hahahaha
jun.hui: yeah

wxnwoo: is he always like that

jun.hui: oh yeah

wxnwoo: that sucks
wxnwoo: some of my friends are hella cringy

jun.hui: ill have to see and judge for myself
jun.hui: ill also have to let them know not to try anything on my man >:(

wxnwoo: what

jun.hui: HAHA nothing

wxnwoo: hmmm

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