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"are you sure you're okay with sleeping on the couch?" wonwoo tilted his head to the side slightly as he asked the question, watching as junhui spread the fuzzy blanket across the couch.

"i'm sure." junhui gave a small nod, keeping his eyes on what he was doing, grabbing the pillow wonwoo gave him and putting it on the couch as well. "it's your house, i'm not gonna kick you out of your own bed so i can sleep there."

wonwoo only nodded in return, looking at his phone to check the time. 9:21. "it's not that late, we still have time for another movie if you want."

"sure, i'll be up in a second." junhui flashed a heartwarming smile in wonwoo's direction, making the taller of the two smile back, before making his way back to his bedroom.


junhui bit his lip as he grimaced slightly from the movie displayed on the laptop resting in front of them on the bed, his eyes closing and reopening repetitively. he didn't even know why he had agreed to watch a scary movie, especially one like "saw" where the main characters had to cut their own limbs off or else they would be killed. yeah, he was scared, but was he gonna let wonwoo know that? no way.

he gently squeezed his fist around the bedsheets he was grasping onto, his body instinctively moving closer to wonwoo's as he squeezed his eyes shut again, not particularly wanting to watch a guy cut his own leg off with a old dull saw. he slowly opened one of his eyes to glance at the screen, trusting that it had already finished and changed to a nicer scene that he could actually stand to watch. but no, of course, as soon as he opened his eye to look at the screen, the camera had zoomed into the man, screaming and crying and bleeding out as he desperately tried to hack off his own leg. junhui let out a squeak of surprise and turned his head to the side, quickly pushing it into wonwoo's chest without a second thought to try and seek comfort.

to say wonwoo was surprised was an understatement. as soon as he heard that cute little squeak coming from the pretty boy, he felt his body close to his own and his head against his own chest.

"j-junnie..? are you alright?" he asked softly, trying to reason in his own head if wrapping his arms around said boy would make him feel better or just make him uncomfortable.

junhui nodded softly, the movement causing wonwoo's shirt to crinkle and move slightly, and pushed his face further against his chest, his hand now gently gripping at wonwoo's shirt instead of the bedsheets.

"you could have told me you were afraid of horror movies, junnie.. we didn't have to watch this.." wonwoo said quietly, slowly and hesitantly wrapping one of his arms around junhui's waist, pulling him closer slightly and using the other hand to softly pet his hair, trying to comfort him. he wasn't sure if junhui would find this comforting or not though, but when he snuggled closer to himself, he thought maybe it was a good move.

"i-i know, it's okay.. i'm not that scared.." junhui whispered against his chest, his voice being muffled by the shirt his mouth was pressed against. wonwoo chuckled gently, continuing to softly pet his hair and hold him.

"sure you're not, sweetheart.." he mumbled jokingly and junhui giggled softly, making wonwoo smile. "do you want me to put on a different movie so you're not scared anymore?"

junhui shook his head, looking up at wonwoo slightly from his chest and then pressing his face against it again. "it's okay.. i-i feel safe here, like this." he whispered, causing wonwoo to flush a soft pink colour for a moment.

wonwoo had never felt this way before, this.. flustered over small physical contact with another person. he didn't know how to feel, all he knew was that he wanted to be closer to junhui, to feel his body against his own for a little longer.


as more time passed and the movie had come to an end, junhui's face was still gently pressed into wonwoo's chest, as wonwoo's arms were wrapped gently around the boys waist, rubbing soft circles into his back comfortingly. he looked down at him slightly, seeing the boy gently dozing off against his chest. he smiled at how cute he was, wanting to just lean down and press his lips against- woah, wonwoo. calm down, you've only known this boy in person for a couple of days.

instead of doing whatever he was thinking about earlier, he instead brought one of the arms that was around his waist to gently stroke junhui's cheek with the back of his hand, staring admiringly at him. he really was such a handsome guy..

junhui's eyes fluttered open gently, his eyes moving up to meet wonwoo's as a sleepy smile spread across his lips. "what are you looking at..?" he asked cutely, giggling softly.

wonwoo blushed softly again, shaking his head to dismiss himself and quickly changed the subject. "are you sleepy?" he asked quietly, continuing to caress his cheek gently. junhui nodded his head in a silent yes, yawning right after as if to prove that he was. wonwoo chuckled softly and nodding his head. "lets go to bed then, yeah?" junhui nodded again softly and began to start detaching his body from wonwoo's, much to his dismay.

"where are you going?" he asked as he stopped stroking his face, hesitantly unwrapping his arm from his waist. maybe he was uncomfortable..

junhui looked up at him and smiled softly, giggling as he mumbled, "my beds downstairs on the couch, silly."

wonwoo pouted slightly, making junhui giggle more as he reached up and poked one of wonwoo's cheeks. "why are you all pouty? don't you want me to sleep?" he joked.

"that's not it. it's just that.." wonwoo paused, trying to gather his words as junhui continued to stare up at him with the cutest expression imaginable. "i thought that maybe, cause you know, you're scared from that movie.. that you could just.. sleep here, with me?" wonwoo blushed a dark crimson red as he finished his sentence, his eyes momentarily looking away from junhui's.

junhui chuckled softly, cuddling his head back into wonwoo's chest as he mumbled against it jokingly, "who said i was scared anymore?"

wonwoo felt his heart beat pick up slightly, his face still completely red. "ah.. right.. then it's fine, you can sleep downstairs if you want-"

"but, i would much rather sleep up here with you then downstairs by myself on a couch." junhui cut him off by saying, a small playful smirk on his lips as he continued to look up at wonwoo, who just continued to blush.

"i.. uh.." wonwoo spluttered, his eyes slightly wide as junhui continued to smirk, gently moving himself to be more comfortable against his chest, his eyes closing for a second.

"stop being so embarrassed and wrap your arms back around me, i'm cold." he giggled softly as wonwoo quickly wrapped his arms around his waist securely again. "goodnight wonwoo, thank you for having so much fun with me today."

"it was truly my pleasure. goodnight, junhui."


i have risen from the dead again, wow

sorry this took so long, i've been hella sick lately and things have just not been the best for me but i'm on winter break now for a month so i'll be able to update more (hopefully).

but !! i published the epilogue to another book! it's called psycho and i'm really excited for it, it's another wonhui story but it's more on the serious side. so if you like this story, please go read the epilogue to my new story, i'll try to update it and this story as soon as i can.

also !! happy new years to everyone, i hope 2018 is a good year

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