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wonwoo almost choked on air, his eyes widening at the sudden question.


junhui let out a soft chuckle, the vibration of the sound causing his adam's apple to bob up and down slightly. wonwoo couldn't take his eyes away.

"future.. boyfriend?" he was confused, his cheeks rosy and his heart in his throat.

"it was a joke, wonwoo." junhui chuckled again, a playful grin spreading across his pink lips. "ever heard of those?"

wonwoo hated how he felt right now, he hated how quickly his heart was beating and how hot his cheeks were. he wanted anything to get him out of this situation.

"i.. see." wonwoo nodded slightly, his eyes never leaving the boy in front of him.

"are you okay?" he paused for a second and looked around slightly, "you're acting like you've never seen a hot guy before."

the additional comment made wonwoo even more lost in his spiralling thoughts of confusion, his head feeling as if it was spinning around in circles.

junhui leaned back in his chair, his arms instinctively crossing themselves over his chest, his head tilting to the side. "we've been in the same city as each other for less than 5 minutes and you're already ignoring me, hmm?"

wonwoo's lips folded into a line, his eyebrows raising. "oh? you think i'm ignoring you?"

junhui shook his head, raising his hands up defensively. "i was only joking, wonwoo."

"you sure like to joke, don't you?" wonwoo mumbled as he stood from his seat, gently pushing the chair in. junhui's eyes followed his movements carefully, not sure what he was expected by the other to do in this situation. and suddenly brown met brown, and wonwoo's eyes turned playful. "aren't you coming?"

"coming.. where?"

"to my house?" the playful smirk junhui proudly held earlier was now replaced onto wonwoo's accepting lips. "that is where you'll be staying for the next while, isn't it?"

junhui nodded after a second, slowly standing from his chair and following wonwoo out of the cafe.


"do you live close by?"

"close enough."

wonwoo decided that his "tough and confident" appearance was the best way to make junhui think that he WASN'T slowly going insane every time their hands brushed together while they walked side by side on the sidewalk, causing wonwoo to walk a couple steps in front of junhui for the rest of the way home.

"why are you in such a hurry? you look like you're running to your house." junhui eyed him suspiciously.

wonwoo stopped for a moment, clenching and then unclenching his fists as he grimaced at the realization that his little act just made him seem even more of a crazy person. this was not a good first impression.

"what do you want to do when we get to my house?" he quickly changed the subject, fiddling with his index finger and thumb.

"oh, uh, i'm not sure." junhui paused to look around at the scenery, watching all the people walk along the clustered streets. "is it always this busy here?"

wonwoo nodded in return, muttering gently under his breath. "it's seoul, what do you expect?"

junhui stayed silent.


"this," he paused, fiddling with the key as he pushed the front door open, "is my house."

junhui nodded slightly as he looked around, a gentle smile occupying his lips. "it's very nice."

wonwoo smiled as well, walking over to plop down on one the living room sofas, gesturing for junhui to do the same. "the kitchens right over there, you can help yourself to anything you want, just don't eat everything." he chuckled gently.

"thank you." junhui let out a small chuckle of his own, looking around the nicely decorated living room he sat in. family pictures hung from almost every wall, as well as pictures of wonwoo and another similar looking boy, who junhui could only assume was his brother. "what's your brothers name?"

"brother?" wonwoo's eyes followed junhui's to the pictures on the walls, a small sigh leaving his lips. "bohyuk. we don't see much of him."

"ah, i'm sorry to hear that."

wonwoo shook his head, waving his hand gently in the air. "it's not like he's dead or anything, he's just always out and almost never comes home." junhui nodded. "enough of talking about my brother, i'll show you my room"

wonwoo's room was almost as nice and neat as the rest of the house, aside for a small pile of dirty clothes that wonwoo almost sprinted to clean up once entering the room, although he repetitively told junhui, "i cleaned everything for your visit, i don't know how these got here".

and after hours of sitting and talking on wonwoo's bed, junhui realized a lot about the boy he met on instagram. he found out that wonwoo loved to rap, and aspired to become a rapper one day, although his parents discouraged the idea strongly. he realized that wonwoo was a introvert, preferring to be by himself than out with a group of friends. he realized that wonwoo was very caring towards his younger brother, even though he barely sees him. but most importantly, junhui realized that he was going to enjoy his new few days in this city, with the pretty boy he met on instagram.


hi sorry this sucks

i'm in korea !! i'm living in busan until june 30, 2018 so updates will be slow, i'm so sorry ):

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