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I woke up and saw Justin still hadn't hung up. I looked at my phone and saw Justin sleeping peacefully. I smiled, "night suga"

I hung up the phone beginning to get ready for school. I wasn't sure if Ethan was going to get me this morning, I guess we'll see. I got showered and dressed, and ate an apple. My phone dinged showing a message from Ethan,

Am I still allowed to pick you up?

I heard a honk then looked out my window seeing Ethan front an center. I grabbed my bag and went outside. I stopped at the window, "This is a surprise."

"I couldn't leave you hanging." He said unlocking the door. I got in and sighed, "About yesterday.."

"Don't worry about it. I stormed out angrily instead of just being there for you. I'm sorry."

"I told you to get out so."

"Still. I shouldn't of left. Alex I love you and if you're not ready then, I can wait."

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah.. just tell me when." He said grabbing my hand.

"Thanks." I said smiling, "I love you too."

We proceeded to get Emma and Max and thankfully everything went back to normal. A message from Justin came in saying,

Have a great day.

I smiled, thanks Justin I will.

School was breezy. The next few weeks actually were breezy. Ethan and I stayed together, Max and Emma continued being my best friend, Justin stayed in my life. Everything seemed kind of perfect. Those weeks turned into months and now it's December. Time for winterrrrrrrrrrrrrr breaaaaakkkkkkkkkk! This year I was flying out to New York. I'd been planning this for a while. I saved up some money, and my parents helped a lot too since they like Justin a lot too. I was going to surprise him in tomorrow. I got in contact with Blake via Instagram and he gave me their dorm room number. I was so excited. My bags were already packed and everything was perfect.

Hey love, how's winter break so far?

Pretty good. Feels good to get some sleep in

Any plans for this long 2 week break?

Nope. Probably hang out with Emma and Max and Ethan y'know like any other day

Aha, sounds breezy

Skippity skip down to the airport. Gonna spend 2 weeks with Justin yahyyyyyyt. I was seated and excited. Only 3 hours until I'd be with Justin. I can't wait to see the look on his face! 3 hours couldn't go by fast enough, but once it did, I was the first one off the plane. I called an uber to take me to my hotel so I could put my bags down and then walk straight to Justin's dorm. I got them really close to them on purpose. After signing in and getting my bags in the room I was out. I walked with a pep in my step and a smile on my face. I saw Justin's caller ID pop up on my phone and I couldn't help but smile wider, just wait Justin I'm coming. I let it go to voicemail and might've started running when I saw the building he lived in. A few elevator stops and doors later, I came to his door, B214. I knocked a little too hard and a little too much. I heard Justin's voice, "I'm coming I'm coming!"

Before I knew it the door was open and I was face to face with Justin, "SUPRISE!!!" I yelled.

"Oh my god!" He yelled picking me up into his arms. I wrapped my arms around hugging him tightly, "I'm here for winter break!"

"The whole time!" He yelled putting me down.

"Yep! I'll be here through Christmas and New Years!"

"Oh my god Alex!" He yelled hugging me again.

I laughed, "Can I come in or are we just gonna stand out here hugging the whole time?"

"Come in." He said opening the door. I saw Blake and smiled, "Also a huge thanks to Blake too for helping me get here."

"You knew about this?" Justin asked surprised.

"Biggest secret I've had to keep ever." He laughed.

"Thanks man." He said then going over to him giving him that guys handshake pat thing.

"I will see you two in a few hours." He said then leaving.

Justin looked over to me with a huge smile, "I am so glad you're here."

"I'm so glad I'm here too. I missed you so much."

"I still can't believe you've been planning this all this time."

"You're not only one good at surprises." I smirked.

"Come here." He said giving me yet another hug. But I didn't mind, this is long overdue.

We caught up which wasn't much since we talked everyday and basically just enjoyed each other's company.

"Let's go out." Justin said, "New York has some pretty good food."

"Don't have to tell me twice." I said grabbing my phone.

We got frozen yogurt, then hotdogs, the chili cheese fries. New York does have pretty good food. I took lots of pictures, it was snowing here and it looked beautiful. It rarely snows in Atlanta and when it does it's like 1 inch of snow. We went into a small coffee shop just to get out of the cold and I was really happy being with him.

"Smile!" I said snapping a picture of him as he made a silly face. I laughed posting it on Snapchat.

"On a scale of 1 to 10 how hot was that picture?" Justin asked.

"Definitely a strong 10." I laughed.

"Perfect." He laughed, "How was your first day in New York?"

"Awesome! And I still have 2 weeks until it's over! I'm so happy right now."

"Me as well. This is gonna be an amazing break."

"Cheers to an amazing winter." I said holding up my glass.

"Cheers." Justin said clinking it in perfect chime.

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