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Hours and hours of roaming around New York aimlessly with a tear stained face, it got late, and everything was closing. I decided to go to the hotel and see if my room was still there.

"Hi how can I help you?" A lady asked.

"Uh, my names Alex Walker, I was here a few days ago." I said with a hoarse voice.

She skimmed her computer then looked back up at me, "Says you checked out."

"I did but is there any way I could check back in?"

"Rooms been taken, lots of people are flying in for the holidays."

"Well are there any other rooms available?"

"No sorry we're packed."

"You've gotta be kidding me." I mumbled, "Okay thanks." I said walking out. Looks like I'm gonna be sleeping in my car tonight. I got into my car and let out a deep sigh, this whole nights been a bust. These past few days have been a bust. I saw lights flicker and noises from what seemed like down the street. I turned around and saw the New Years countdown began. I heard the words,







Horns were being blown and people were cheering. My phone blew up with messages from Emma, Max, surprisingly Ethan, and my parents. I couldn't even acknowledge it right now. I climbed into the back seat stretching out and closing my eyes, yeah. Happy New Years.

Once I woke up, I immediately got on the road starting my drive back home. I'd be home super late so I had to get started early. The whole ride I couldn't think straight and it was like I couldn't function. I felt like everything was just ripped from under me. I wanted to cry, but honestly I'm tired of crying. I just want to be happy.

I got home at about 10, and was greeted by my mom, "Hey! How was it?" She asked excitedly.

I just shook my head, "It's not as good as you think."

"Well.. what happened?" She asked.

"I was too late." I simply said. My mom gave me a confused look, I just walked up to my room and got into bed, I need to rest.

The next morning I was awaken by my mother who was worried about me, can't blame her, I'm worried about me too.

"Care to tell me what happened?" She asked once I sat up.

I sighed, "I honestly don't even know. I broke up with Ethan in hopes of being with Justin, so I drove 18 hours just to burst through the door and tell him I'm finally ready. Then once midnight hit, we'd kiss and he'd tell me he loved me. But I walked through the door and he told me it was too late. I left crying, nowhere to go, no where to sleep. I had to sleep in my car, and it wasn't comfortable. I made a huge mistake. I thought we were finally on the same page, but I guess not."

"Honey.. I'm so sorry. You don't deserve this, it's not your fault."

"Yeah I know I just wish things would've worked out.. looking back I feel so stupid."

3 months later

I heard a honk and grabbed my bag going outside seeing Ethan's car.

"Get in loser we're going to school." He said trying to make a mean girls reference but failed terribly. I laughed getting into the passenger seat, "Guess who's birthday is in 4 days?"

"Probably yours." He joked.

"Probably so." I said excitedly, "I'll be 18 finally!"

"Yay now you can catch up with the rest of every single senior."

"Shut up." I said rolling my eyes, "It's gonna be awesome."

We picked up Emma and Max then made our way to school. It was now March and we were in the second semester, only 3 more months until schools out! Also, yeah I can't leave this out, I haven't talked to Justin since New Years Eve. Since I don't really go on social media, I haven't even seen his face. He could be dead right now and I wouldn't even know. I sighed, but for the most part life's good and I'm happy. Me and Ethan remained really good friends and I still wear his necklace because the reason he gave it to me was to know that he's always there, and he is. He's amazing and I'm glad we can still be friends. Me, Emma, and Max are obviously still the closest group of friends ever, and my birthdays this Thursday so I'm super happy! Let's make it count!

I got to lunch and saw Emma, Max, and Ethan talking. Once I sat down they stopped. I looked at them weirdly, "What?"

"Nothing." Max said.

"9/10 times nothing means something." I said eyeing them all, "If you're planning a surprise party for me it's fine just plot it somewhere else."

"We're not giving you a surprise party." Emma laughed.

"Well there goes that." I sighed.

"We were just talking about the perfect present."

"Oh! Anythings fine really, it's the thought that counts. Don't stress it too much."

"Gotcha." Ethan said returning to his lunch. Then I started thinking, is there something I'd really want for my birthday? Probably not since I can't even think about it. I shrugged, anything can really make me happy.

I got home and my parents were acting super weird, as soon as I walked into the kitchen, they stopped talking.

"Okay what's going on, first my friends and now my parents. What were you guys talking about?"

"Nothing sweetheart."

"Mhm." I said grabbing a bottled water and going to my room. All this thinking and secretive actions better mean my birthdays gonna be the best one yet.

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