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I took Justin's advice and went to school. I walked with my head high, just striving to get through these last months. It was awkward, and I could feel the eyes burning into my back as I walked into the classroom. I sat in the back away from them all and whipped out my phone occupying my time before class started. I started eating my lunch outside by the bleachers where I would do extra credit work and things like that while sports teams practiced for entertainment. I wouldn't talk much, just came to school and did what I had to do then left. Time passed. There was now 2 weeks before prom, and I hadn't talked to anyone, it was still just me. Watching the prom posals warmed my heart but also made me sad because I was really looking forward to prom. Justin still wanted me to go, but I couldn't go alone, how much fun is that? I went home and plopped onto the couch. My mom greeted me with a smile, "Hi!"

"Hey mom, aren't you supposed to be at work?" I said closing the door behind me.

"I got off early."

"Why? Did something happen?"

"I have a surprise." She said cheekily.

"Oh no." I said sighing, "What is it?"

"Go to your room and see." She said trailing behind me.

"Okay.." I said awkwardly. I opened my bedroom door and saw the most beautiful dress ever. Not only was it beautiful but it was familiar.

I turned to my mom, "Mom, literally freshman me walked through the window and saw this dress and completely fell in love with it. How is it still here?"

"I bought it." She said, "I bought it as soon as I saw the twinkle in your eye once you saw it. You said that'd be your prom dress no matter what. You said it was the one. Without even looking at any other dresses you just knew it was the one." She said with a smile, "I was keeping it over the years, because I knew it was meant for you."

I was speechless remembering the first time I laid eyes on it. I was in love, and I never wanted to go to prom more. I thought I'd look beautiful in it and stun everyone. I looked over to my mom, "But.. I told you I wasn't going to prom."

"I was hoping this would change your mind. Alex come on. I know you don't have a date, or anyone to go with, but it's prom. Once they see you walk through in this everyone will want to be with you. You only get prom once, don't miss it."

I sighed staring at the dress, "I don't know.."

"Trust me. Once you put on that dress, do your hair and makeup all nicely, find the perfect pair of shoes.. it'll all be worth it."

After seeing this dress, how could I not go?

"Okay." I said giving in, "I'll go to prom."

I finished all my homework then went downstairs for a snack. My phone buzzed signaling a message from Justin.

Hey, what's up?

Guess who's going to prom


That's right

What changed your mind?

My mom has a way of convincing me into things lol

That's amazing! So glad you're going

Gotta make the most out of it right?


My mom later took me shopping for shoes and jewelry which was fun. Lots of things caught my eyes but only some couldn't be left behind. My mom bought them and I helped pay for the shoes. Once I got home I put everything together and just admired it. I truly thought everything looked beautiful. Justin called me and I answered with a smile, "Hey."

"Hey, what've you been doing all day?"

"Shopping for the perfect prom outfit." I answered.

"Any luck?"

"The best luck. I truly think this is the perfect outfit."

"Can I see?" He asked.

I flipped the camera showing him the dress along with shoes and jewelry.

"You'll look amazing in that. I can already see it."

"Don't worry I'll send lots of pictures." I laughed turning the camera back to me, "I'm actually really excited."

"Only two more weeks." He said with a smile.

"Yep.." I said with heavy sigh, "Only two more weeks."

The next day at school, I had a new glow. The prom fiasco yesterday really brightened my mood. Thanks mom. I went to the office to buy my ticket before they were all sold out. I walked in, and lucky me, Emma and Max were there sitting in the chair. I made awkward eye contact and walked past them.

"Hi, how can I help you?" The lady asked.

"1 prom ticket please."

"You have the money?" She said going to retrieve one.

"Yep." I said handing it to her. She gave me the ticket in return and smiled, "Have fun!"

"Thanks." I said smiling placing it in my pocket.

"I didn't think you'd be going to prom." I heard Emma say from behind me. I turned around to face her, "Yeah well neither did I."

"Do you have a date?" She asked.

"No." I answered plainly.

"Then who are you going with?" She asked, being a bit too nosy, and sassy for my liking.

"Don't worry about it." I said walking out letting go of a deep breath. I continued to walk to my next class with a pep in my step. I'm confident about prom. I know I won't have anyone to go with and will probably have to have my dad drive me, but at least I'll good, right?

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