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How odd.... I thought I had a logbook up already and put a tag in it.... I think I accidentally deleted it. *sighs* Anyways.... RANT TIME! Do not read if you're not yet on episode 12 of Daredevil- unless you want spoilers.

WHY IS MY FAVORITE CHARACTER ALWAYS KILLED OFF????!!!!!!! I DON'T WANNA BELIEVE THAT BEN IS REALLY DEAD!!!!!!!!!!! THIS IS SO NOT COOL MAN!!!!!!!!!! UGH!!!!! Can't they just take Fisk down already?!?!!!!!!!! Grrr....

Anyways.... Yeah. That's all.

Darth Vader: *rolls eyes* Fangirls....

Ah ah, don't you even! I remember how upset you were when the ninth Doctor regenerated into Ten.

Darth Vader: ....

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