Wisdom Teeth Update

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Okay, so I got there and waited in the waiting room. Shortly after I was called back, and that's when I started to get really nervous and shaky. My oral surgeon was teasing me because I'd already been there before for two different teeth after I got my braces. XD He cracks me up, because he's the type of guy that likes to tease you in monotone, so sometimes you can't tell if he's kidding. 😂😂 Anyways, they had me in the chair and hooked me up to a heart monitor, out that thingy on my finger, put a suction thing over me for later, and had me lie back in the chair after lifting it. Then they got the needle ready so I looked away at one of the two female helpers, and we got to talking about how I'd never had a shot, not even for vaccinations. After it was over I looked at the needle in my arm, then back at the nurse when she said I did really good considering I'd never had a shot or IV. Now I'm thankful that I've been bitten and scratched by cats my whole life! 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 The pain was nothing compared to when this kitten thought my pointer finger was chicken...it but it and the tooth sunk deeper when I tried to pull my hand away. Ouch!

Anyways, they then put an oxygen mask over me and turned the light over the chair on. Next thing I know, I have a milkshake and my mom is talking to me....apparently I asked how I got into the van four times. 😄😄😄😄😄 I remember nothing of it! Not falling asleep, not waking up, not being helped to the van. I was so loopy that it seemed like we got home in seconds even though we were an hour away! So anyways, we got home and I had chocolate all over me from the milkshake (which I didn't finish....where is it....all I know is that Mom got it for me....I think I had a dream but I can't remember....huh...) so I changed my pants but then felt too sick to change my top, so I laid down in bed (head propped up by my emoji pillow). Soon she got my Sprite and Spaghetti O's. Which I couldn't eat, because I had trouble just swallowing...swallowing the Sprite is difficult enough because my bottom lip feels so fat! XD So then I dozed off for a bit, then woke up, changed my gauze a few times, and now I'm listening to Perry You Are My Secret Agent by Traci Hines for the game Where Is My Perry? I need go go to the bathroom, but I don't wanna get up....ugh.... XDD

So anyways, thank you all for your prayers! So far I'm not in a lot of pain, just a bit sore when the gauze is in. I'm so numb that my ears are numb. XD Now I'm praying that the numbness wears off soon so I can take my IB Profen....that would be helpful. But I'm doing pretty good! Thank you all for your prayers and encouragement! Special thanks go to SuperiorGhost, CommanderDiamondShot, and Grnbunny16 for believing in me and knowing I'd do just fine! More special thanks to destinydrakes for also praying, and special thanks to Yup-I_WroteThat for being there to talk to about it! Thank you guys for putting up with my nervous ramblings!

~Sergeant Courage, out. 💖💖

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