Chapter 2

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Darry~ Nicole, Nikki. Nikki get up. I'm going to work I'll see you later.

Nicole~ I'm up Darry. What time are you going to be back at?

Darry~ Probably around 7:00pm and uh, Sandy might come over tonight. You don't need to eat dinner with us if you don't want to.

Nicole~ No, I'll be fine. I will just have to put up with her and Soda. Well see you later now go! I don't want you to be late.

Darry~ Okay and please wake up the boys.

Nicole~ I got it under control now go, see you later.

Darry was out the door and on his way to work while Nicole on the other hand started making breakfast for the boys.

Nicole~ Boys! Breakfast is done! Get up! Never mind I'll go up there and wake them up. Ponyboy? Sodapop? Wake up breakfast is done, I made chocolate cake.

Ponyboy~ I'm up, I heard chocolate cake.

Ponyboy went downstairs to go get his breakfast.

Nicole ~ Sodapop, wake up. Its 9:00am you need to get up. You need to get in the shower and go eat and start heading out to work. I can't have you be late. Sodapop!

Sodapop grabbed Nicole

Sodapop ~ What happens if I am late huh?

Sodapop started to tickle Nikki.

Nicole~ Soda- Sodapop! S- Sto- Stop! I swear Soda! LA Chancla will come out! Stop tickling me!

Two-Bit walked in on them.

Two-Bit~ Aww look at you to love birds, you guys look in love.

Sodapop~ Two shut up you know Nikki and I are like brother and sister. Right baby sis?

Nicole~ Huh? What? I mean yeah.... I guess so.

Sodapop~ Alright I'm gonna go brush my teeth and go eat so see y'all downstairs.

Two-Bit~ See ya..... You still love him don't you?

Nicole ~ Si..... Yes I do, Two I can't I've been holding in this feeling since I was 14 I'm 17 now! Why doesn't he feel the same?

Nicole eyes got very watery and was about to cry, you could hear the small crack in her voice. Two-Bit sat next to.her and hugged her.

Two-Bit~ Now Nikki you are amazing and Sodapop is just in LA LA land one day he will wake up. Okay now let's go downstairs and eat.

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