Chapter 6

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Ponyboy~ Nikki, wake up.

Nicole~ Hmm,,, I'm up.

Ponyboy~ Darry left to work, Soda still asleep. Johnny and I are going to go with Dally and watch a movie later.

Nicole~ Okay, go have fun not to much or else both of you're brothers will kill me.

Ponyboy~ Yes, I got it okay. I'll be home around 9pm if you don't come to the drive ins.

Nicole~ Alright, now go have some fun.

Ponyboy ran out the door to leave with Johnny and Dally. Mean while Nicole got up brushed her teeth and took a shower. She got out the shower and she smelled something good.

Nicole~ Wow Sodapop you can cook!?

Sodapop~ Very funny Nikki. Yes I can cook but I don't want people to know.

Sodapop finally looked up. Nikki was still in her towel.

Nicole~ Alright have fun eating I'm gonna go change.

Sodapop~ Nikki wait!

Nicole~ Yes?

Sodapop~ Umm... I'm sorry about last night what happened.

Nicole~ Its okay, its your life so Ponyboy understands. I talked to him about it.

Sodapop~ I know but you cried to. Your eyes where very watery. I know you guys don't want me to leave but its better for me and plus I get to start a family with Sandy.

Nicole~ Right well um. I uh I'm going to go get ready so see you in a little bit.

Nicole went upstairs while Sodapop ate his breakfast. Sodapop was thinking if he was doing the right thing. He started thinking and thinking more and more. When finally he asked himself "Am I doing the right thing?"

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